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US army brutalized by Sand niggers and ambush them
Another flag to bare :(
28,212 views Jun 6, 2022

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OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Nice, do you have more clips of US soldiers getting killed? This and the sniper compilation is the only footage of US soldiers that I can remember recently
+3 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,877 points
Lol all gore sites are terminating all Isis vids cuz it futher tarnished and radicalized Muslim for some reason?  But bot are only targeting isis and daesh words thus its the reason why Sussy Baka Nigger got removed and also my main
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Just post ISIS videos under false titles then
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
all gore websites were anti muslims and promoter of hate against muslims now china is emerging as superpower the jews and their ball suckers are now anti chinese and trying to get back muslims help to counter china influence and they also removed east turkestan party from terrorist organisation 22 years of crusade is about going to end
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
1 Taliban VS 1 China

Who would win?
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
They weren't an option
i left Famous 3,985 points
does not matter they always win lol
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
joke of the year what happened in afghanistan trillions of dollars and lives wasted by just a soviet era kalashinov user militia
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
oyveyrabbi afghanistan is the graveyard of all empires
i left Famous 3,985 points
fun fact Afghanistan was once part of the Khurasan empire
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
slemany very nice i appriciate your knowledge
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
+3 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Kalew The Boss 31,641 points
What irritates the most in these videos that come from this region are these boring, annoying songs, how can anyone stand to hear that?
+3 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,877 points
Lol their music is fucking scary and hilarious at the same time but shit are always like this when you heard a nigger theme music you get mad? I prefer to listen to classical music and heavy metal
are17 Landed Knights 183,137 points
man these sand niggers sure like to ambush.
+2 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,877 points
Same <3
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
That's how you won a war, ask the vietnamese and the afghans
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
Good! Justice being served. Amazing
+3 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Fuck you they were ordered to do this it's not by choice they died for the greater good for this world you motherfucker
Werty Well-Known 833 points
The greater good for this world? Lol holyshit the jew propaganda has surely melted your p size brain now didn't it pinky cracker? All those mayo monkeyes died for absolutely nothing and it puts a smile on my face to see these americunts get savaged like they deserve all while i am sitting here in the US enjoying life and free shit while they're getting buttfucked across the world far away from their homes because of how retarded they are and if you value them so much why don't you join them? Be the next Mayo monkey to get behead you pigskinned fuck
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Ik they died for nothing there's no such thing as a Greater good but one day I hope I can fix that and restore balance in this world but your here in US living a good life all because theses guys died for you all they wanted was for your bitch ass to live a better and beautiful life and this is how you repay there sacrifice you will suffer a painful death I hope you get 72 shots in your head in the after life and they were convinced and lied to about fighting for freedom but it was a lie all it did was inrich countrys and make them more powerful I live in the US so shut the fuck up you really don't know what's happening also our politicians are selling weapons to theses fuckers for drugs to put on our street and break down our country to make is easier to destroy the US IK we will fall but we will rise again and take what is ours and rebuild you may think you live high a nighty but you will sit in a pool of your own blood one day and if you enjoy watching our soldiers getting fucked over then why don't you join the Taliban or isis you fucking slob you will suffer alot I hope you will learn your lesson. Opportunities will be made and we will succeed
Werty Well-Known 833 points
They wanted for me to live a good life? How exactly is their death on the other side of the world supposed to make my life better? Are they sending money to me? What about them being absolutely retarded and throwing their lives away to kill children and civilians around the world makes me wanna respect any of them? You're acting as if these fuckers are the victims in these wars when they are the aggressors! In countries they don't speak the language of, don't know anything about, and don't care to learn about, they just saw a recruiting ad and they were like pig listen! Pig do! Pig no think for himself! Pig become a hero if he die for united satans! Do you really think fighting these wars makes anyone here any safer? Are you really dumb enough to believe that the taliban or any other organisation is a threat to the US? What are they gonna invade with their massive fleets and take over the US? No! They can't do shit and anyone with a functioning brain cell knows they're not a real threat to America which is protected by ocean from both sides and has the largest navy and the most advanced weapons to defend itself but they went there for their resources under the cover of duhmacracy and human rights and ended up killing millions and losing thousands of their own and wasting trillions for nothing! So we should all laugh at their massive fuck up and call them pigs.
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Yea ik that the Taliban or any terriost organization is a threat it's a fucking shit show and the ones who run the US like the government are the bastards u should be mad at bc when our soldiers come back home they regret it and hate the government
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
There death is a sacrifice for a lie dipshit ik the Taliban is no threat there's literally 2000+ of them and we have 500,000
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,796 points
White trash
+1 vote
Jun 6, 2022
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Fuck you nigger
The Whale Beginner 119 points
We need More videos of American soldiers being slayed
+6 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Ivan Addicted 1,596 points
He died for the jews... like a true ameritard.

Best part? They were scared shitless and suffered a lot.
+3 votes
Jun 6, 2022
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,877 points
Your just sitting at the comfort of your own piece of shit nigger life, you never ever know the reality what these men of faith has do for our freedom 24/7 your just another pathetic nigger parasite that needed to be exterminated along with all nasty niggers that needed to be put on a giant Gas chamber
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
Yeah, the freedom American citizens take to kill other citizens, they supposedly go and invade "terrorist" countries when the real terrorist are Americans themselves.
They kill other Americans with their own made weapons, you are afucking brainwashed imbecile and you should be ashamed of your fucking ideology you piece of shit
SunDuckersGetCucked 11 points
"you never ever know the reality what these men of faith has do for our freedom 24/7" lolol shut your cracker ass up you dumb sun ducker. These betas died like the pussies they are and nobody will care about them because cracker lives don't matter even in a cracker country. They got absolutely obliterated and at the end of the video they are just getting their lifeless bodies shot to shit like they deserve. Rest in piss you sun ducking invaders!
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Worthless piece of shit I bet I can kill you with a simple punch like the fucking worm that you are wiggling around but has no brains to think for it's self you don't deserve the title human being none of you nigger bastards do there's so much you don't understand your falling right into the trap but I hope you get slaughtered like the bitch that you are when that day comes millons will die but I won't your a fucking fool you dipshit your a waste of time and space your dead body will be more use to me then your cry baby bitch ass your end will come and you won't rest easy your nothing ur below me and all that knows but your not dirt because dirt is beautiful and your just a fucking mouth breather sweet dreams dead meant
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Freedom is a inviting chaos but peace and safety doesn't I don't think you understand that but go back to your fucking sand house you nigger and get shot in your head don't talk shit and live in the US get deported you fucking immigrant your a pimp that needs to be picked off this beautiful earth with the rest of theses mouth breathers just go die already and learn a lesson or two in the after life and suffer a lesser life in pain and I don't hope all bad is for you I do hope you will understand what it means to be a human but your not ready to bear the pain of this your soul made a mistake dipshit and we're not the terriost our country is not the soldiers there's the hopeless souls fighting for lies and false gifts and broken promises your the terriost Because your country wants to cut off your fucking head you should have stayed your slime
Khalifa Kunt
1st Nasheed name?
+1 vote
Jul 8, 2022
DraganDabic3 79 points
Fi Muzida.  You can find it in internet archive
SunDuckersGetCucked 11 points
Ah. Just a great video of sun-duckers getting what they deserve. Sand niggers are way tougher than the sun-duckers lol i love at the end when they are just shooting at the lifeless cracker bodies. All crackers deserve this same treatment.
–2 votes
Aug 6, 2022
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Fuck you, you fucking sand monkey ass stupid ass motherfucker they died so you can be safe and not get fucking raped by a AK by your sand nigger father
SunDuckersGetCucked 11 points
lol at 3:28 someone should send this screenshot to his whore mother lolol the cracker whore would love to see her dead ass sun ducking pig skin son with such a retard look on his dead face lolol She can put it on her fridge where the rest of her dead ass children should be lol!!!
–1 vote
Aug 6, 2022
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
No wonder why your mom left your ass in a well
Good, I hope they were fucking scared when they died, fuck those stupid faggots, I love watching videos of based islam completely murder these fucking people and i wish there was more videos like this out there. So glad to see these jewcuckers and meatheads getting what they deserved, i would take a picture of that fuckers dead face and send it to his mom and family hahaha and its sad they’ll be remembered ass heros when they were gunned down and assraped HARD lol
–1 vote
Aug 20, 2022
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
I would love to fuck your ass by my semi automatic m9 pistol through your fucking thick skull you dumbass they died so your as can be on your ass all day on your damn phone talking shit about them they died for the future of this world and freedom and I would love to see you getting slaughtered by fucking Marines getting shit talked because sand niggers don't know how to hold a gun properly
Werty Well-Known 833 points
They seemed to be holding their guns just fine killing all those pigs, Sand nigger+Snow nigger=Dead snow nigger, they should've stayed at home celebrating gay pride and doing whatever the jew pleases like the rest of amercunts but instead they wanted to fight and they got smoked
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Not all got smoked but I'm American and theses gays and shit aren't apart of the US it's a problem that needs to be solved but fuck I don't wanna watee time on telling you the truth you fool we'll rise again and break you sand niggers and niggers into glass like the bitches you all are if you really hate our soldiers so bad join the fucking Taliban and get shot dead by a fucking airmen if you know what that is, If things were right we would win everything and you wouldnt even be in the US you slob I will make balance shit head now stop talking nonsense and go back to the fucking sand hunt you slime ball
Werty Well-Known 833 points
Keep seething and crying pink pig lol or you know what? Stop doing that and go work! Your taxes pay for my shit cracker so chop chop!! and what do you mean join the taliban if i wanna kill your filthy kind? You're not fighting them anymore dipshit you already lost, all the trillions of dollars and thousands of pig lives were wasted and the war was won by the taliban, and about me leaving this shithole you call home i would be more than happy to not have to breath the same air as the faggot americunts so here's a deal for you once your cunt soldiers around the globe pack their shit and go back to the US to die on the streets or by suicide due to their ptsd then i will gladly leave this shithole but before that happens I'll be here in the comfort of my house looking down at these pigs while they're dying around the world for absolutely no reason other than for some guys to make a profit off of their worthless lives.
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Exactly I feel bad that they died for bullshit I want to kill the guys who wasted innocent life's and fucking make u work for ur life in the US
They died for nothing. One day will all pay for our sins. And that you can take to the grave. Heavenly Father please have mercy on us✝️
–1 vote
Oct 29, 2022
mudbutt Overlord 5,052 points
@JGMOJO67. Must suck for none of your dreams to come true.
0 votes
Jun 7, 2023
Best comments here
0 votes
Jul 2, 2023
Nocturno Addicted 2,234 points
Compiling this footage is a real service...! So important to have this record for our history...
0 votes
Jul 26, 2023
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,081 points
You honestly can't help it but laugh hysterically that desert trash can overtake the world's most funded and technologically advanced military...  
0 votes
Feb 24, 2024
khzx117 Experienced 280 points
well such the perfect example of the reality of war, besides of the gore, you can see their desperation and fear of being ambushed, not knowing where the enemy is must be frustrating as hell while watching your friends dying and covering in their helpless corpses, knowing you can't even recover them for their families secondly, the screams of the poor bastard can be easily the most shocking part, his suffering, pain and fear of being abandoned and waiting inevitable death, we can see he first was injured in the leg and arms causing extreme pain, then they came to wake him up in his hell just to finish him, (good thing they killed him instead of taking it prisioner for further torture) no one is immortal and if you go to kill you can be killed too.
0 votes
Jul 21, 2024