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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Some assassination in Hong Kong or china
Yes no further information
7,316 views Jul 11, 2022

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Werty Well-Known 833 points
This is not china you dumb fuck this is a south korean prime minister
+3 votes
Jul 11, 2022
GODLY Famous 4,262 points
Sorry my bad thanks for replying
Mark Feely Experienced 435 points
You stupid inbred still ain’t right that’s Sushi, Japanese shit
Werty Well-Known 833 points
You retarded peice of cow shit that was obviously a joke but clearly your single digit IQ is incapable of grasping that
That was supposed to be a joke? I'm gonna guess that you're the kind of person that gets deafening awkward silence in return any time you open your mouth at a social gathering lol
ZYZZ Addicted 1,641 points
bro fuck up you ugly cunt leave him alone
It’s the Japanese Prime Minister, idiot.
Werty Well-Known 833 points
Yes genius it was and to spell it out for you, the joke was that all asians are the same therefore i correct him by still getting it wrong myself and albeit it was not very funny it wasn't nearly as lame as the one your parents made
Nice grammar for someone who speaks English. Lol
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,387 points
@WertyIsAnOutcast seems oddly specific, you projecting or something XD
Narumi Addicted 2,199 points
you also dumb one, this is japan prime minister assassination. suspect is former soldier and he shoot with home made gun
Sui Famous 4,210 points
Wow. I knew live gore people were retarded but not this retarded. Especially since this was worldwide fucking news. That "guy" is Shinzo Abe, Japans former prime minister. He was a good man, he wanted to unite the general area around Japan, hold a good friendship with the US, and raise the declining Japanese birth rate. Some shit bag shot him with a shitty home depot double barreled shotgun. Security got him. Ploice raided his house and found a 5 and 9 barreled homemade shotguns that used electricity instead of mechanical components to fire the guns.
+3 votes
Jul 12, 2022
TheHound Natural Addict 7,155 points
Why was Shinzo giving a speech in the middle of a busy intersection?  Why wasn't he covered head-to-toe in kevlar like most prominent politicians?
+1 vote
Jul 12, 2022
Narumi Addicted 2,199 points
because in japan gun shot is very uncommon make people don't really has fear of loud sound.
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Funny video as always!
+2 votes
Apr 18, 2023
Goddammit! Addicted 1,521 points
Shoot a gook or nuke a spook but let there be no damn dispute!
0 votes
Aug 7, 2023
GODLY Famous 4,262 points