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average murican be like

18,175 views Sep 7, 2022

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Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
+5 votes
Sep 7, 2022
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,643 points
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@_niggerpox_ How did they know Jews came from space to Jewtize and homosexualate the white man? I mean, we know that now, but back then it was a huge secret.
who cares about degeneration? if you are white and smart you will just live your life without degeneration, i live in the country with the biggest gay parade in the world, in São Paulo - Brazil.
+7 votes
Sep 7, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
How many murders have you witnessed?
Werty Well-Known 833 points
How long before we see you being skinned alive on this website?
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
He is right, there will be white tribe-like societies co-existing with this degenerated and mixed society. There partitally are some already, numbers growing.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 155,689 points
Anyone else want to join my tribe?
@Billthebutcher @Orion-14 Sorry, but são Paulo is a city, not a forest @OyVeyRabbi, 0 murders here @Werty by the weekend you will see me jumping off the building, lmao
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
@obrasiliero  Você já foi a Santa Cruz do Sul, mano?
McKFC Extreme Poster 699 points
What is this shit?
+5 votes
Sep 7, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
Xxroads 6 points
The three B's. Beer, blow job, and bang bang
ShyTransCat Overlord 6,568 points
Chuck Norris approves lol

+5 votes
Sep 7, 2022
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
nah man...don't associate MAGA with these folks...these are some crazy people. Also; note that the female has redish or purplish hair color. They're sjws
+3 votes
Sep 7, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
having red or purple colored hair makes you sjw? that's kinda different thing to hear
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
feminists, sjws, lgbtq, trans, and all them abominations identifying themselves as a cat or a tree...tend to have weird colors on their most of the time. 5 quick ways to know if a female is an sjw or feminist:
1. Weird color hair or her hair do looks disgusting
2. Looks, dresses like or tries to act masculine
3. Septum earrings, nose piercings, or piercings anywhere other than her ears
4. Tattooes
5. Acting passively aggressively around you or acting obnoxious around you for no valid reasons
A female showing any of these signs is a feminist or an sjw and should be avoided at all costs
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
all those things are disgusting to me
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
@ oniiibak
How nice that you have no prejudices at all . . .
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
@ zoran
All of that is disgusting, you're right. However, it's
no political statement, it does be "just" bad taste . . .
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
so truth and logical arguments that can be backed with data and multiple now prejudice....if this nonsense keeps up...western civilization is so done
NIGGATRON 47 points
50% true other is false. Were starting to raise angels that dress like sluts. And the sluts are dressing like women should but act the same like bitchs they are. How ik, cuz only a few americans would survive if yall finally nuked us and i think I might be 1 of them
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
I have to disagree with @oniiibak. My gf meets criteria 3 and 4 and she's a conservative Christian like me. We both hate Adolf Newsom and his woke agenda. We both plan to vote for DeSantis for president 2024.
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
Here in east Texas i regularly see MAGA supporter women with dyed hair dark red or purple, but most of them are obese and live in run-down mobile homes in the middle of a swamp and are married to men with tobacco-stained beards down to their asses.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
Fuck Adolf Newsom Austin?
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
No, just east of Dallas.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
Only thing I know About Texas is the capital of Texas is Austin. And cowboys of course. Is it people doing farming there?
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,260 points
Cool .
+3 votes
Sep 7, 2022
girlie Well-Known 775 points
men r ugly n nasty
+1 vote
Sep 7, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
what about feminine ones?
girlie Well-Known 775 points
cant say no 2 that ;)
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
me tooooo <3
namehere91xa661 8 points
not all men r like this  most of them aren’t like this but sum r retarded niggers like this

here’s my socials btw if anyone wants to contact me:
Roblox: @Pinfection
Tiktok: @coffify
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
American dream be like

Disgusting description
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
Nuuuu, it's lovely UwU
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
hell no, go choke your penis somewhere else you weirdo
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
no porn, porn is homo

why would you watch someones dick in a pussy
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
yeah. i'll watch some dudes having shrex instead
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Hell no, watch some training videos instead. Learn how to build muscles, how to defend yourself.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
i hate getting ripped. my veins getting bigger and visible but i want my body tiny and girly
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
I heared that your vains are less visible when you are dead, just sayin'
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
umm, that's not how it works but thank you for that
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
No problem, average femboy
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
OwO ^^
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Miss me with that homo shit, thanks. Degenerate.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
sorry dude. but that's the way that i am
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
And that's why i call you the way i call you
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
but you don't have too
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
to*   .
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Being a man and wishing to be not is just falling to some long-nosed propaganda long-term. They want you to be sterile, not reporduce.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
one thing: 8 billion fucking people. that's enough for me. i'm gonna raise a child but not like make some girl giving a birth. but i can agree with your words. friggin extremist leftist are dumbass bastards
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
'but not like make some girl giving a birth'? There is only one way to reproduce, men can't get pregnant
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
i mean like: from orphanage
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
depends if you adopt ana nimal or a child, ngl
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,080 points
Looks like a Biden family reunion.
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
VikiSan Omega 18,687 points
Damn he's having fun with hooker
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
Nothing else to do cause his ford broke down
+2 votes
Sep 8, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Why is there no fireworks or songs about America? Why is his truck so small? Is it even a diesel? Where are the American flags? I'm not sure if this is American or not.
+1 vote
Sep 8, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
those things are important.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
I know! I don't think he's even drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer! Everyone knows Americans only drink PBR, Miller or Bud Lite. If it doesn't taste like watered down piss, they don't drink it.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
isn't drinking beer a sin over there? (i'm sorry if my english sucked)
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Your English is fine, and no, drinking beer is one of the most American things ever. Only shitty beer and snotty IPAs made by hipster faggots.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
i hate getting drunk and i never drink i promise. and smoke. those things gives you a diseases and make your brain shut down(?)
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Nah, smoking won't make your brain shut down, it just gives you lung cancer. Alcohol does kill brain cells though, you're right. It can also make babies retarded if the mother drinks while pregnant and can cause a whole host of birth defects. Getting drunk sucks. the hangover is the worst part unless you're so drunk you vomit. Then that's the worst part.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
c-can we hug UwU
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
You're awesome homie.
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
thank youuuu, i love you <3
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
I love you too, bro <3
RETEP Intermediate 1,106 points
By her head movement. He got a lil Vienna.
+2 votes
Sep 8, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
A Gerber Lil' Stick.
Vin11783 Beginner 193 points
Nah that's like 20% of the last real Americans 40% fags and the rest is history
+1 vote
Sep 8, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,228 points
i'm not sure so nvm
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
Looks like typical OU American football fans.
Longhorns for life!
0 votes
Mar 25, 2023