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_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,643 points
+2 votes
Sep 19, 2022
we wuz kangz n sheit Advanced 2,976 points
.. TNB
+1 vote
Sep 19, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Can you get even blacker than that bitch
+1 vote
Sep 19, 2022
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
Lmao hopefully you non black males females will get the memo...don't hang around areas with black american females who wear weave; don't hang around areas with dudes whose pants are sagging. Competent black men have been warning yall; but hey if you don't listen, you deserve any destruction that comes your way due to interacting with one of them
0 votes
Sep 19, 2022
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,643 points
Arabs, Europeans, Asians all have written languages.. EXCEPT NIGGERS.
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
<a href='../user/_NiggerPox_'>@_NiggerPox_
That is false. There were pyramids found scattered the more southward you go down the african continent. Not only that, people with the closest ties to hebrew israelites...were found around zimbabwe area and the southeastern part of the African continent. They also found infrastructures in south america...that we eeriely similar to infrastructures in Africa. You say the Arabs, Europeans and Asians all have written languages...Egypt had written languages and the ancient Egyptian civilization controlled a lot of Africa in ancient times. Oh and do not forget the Israelites. If they had no written language, why did they have scribes amongst their people. Scribes were for the most part scholars. Also, the 10 commandments that Moses brought down from the the mountain were etched onto stone tablets. Why would God etch these rules into stone tablets if His people could not read? Please stop spreading false information. All I have said, you can go look up each point online and see the details about it
Fuck all niggers!

     His map is not far from reality.  The ancient Egyptians didn't control a lot of Africa by any stretch of the imagination at any time.  The only parts of Africa where they controlled territory was in the modern-day countries of Sudan and Egypt.  Not even close to the whole country either.  That's two countries out of the fifty-four making up Africa.  They also controlled parts of modern-day Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Palestine.  His statement about the regions he mentioned having written language is partially trash if he means they invented it independently.  And I assume that's what he meant because if not, it could be said that every region and race has written language.  That's not special but developing it independently is a notable achievement worth mentioning.  If that's what he meant then he was partially wrong.  As you already know.  However, blacks still didn't develop written language on their own.  That was the only point of his statement he probably cared to convey.  There used to be five regions credited with independently developing written language.  Now it is more commonly considered to be at least four.  Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the lowland areas of southern Mexico and Guatemala.  Egyptians are one but they weren't black if that was implied.  And as far as the Egyptians being more black or white.  Mainstream scholars reject the notion that Egypt was a white or black civilization.  They maintain that, despite the phenotypic diversity of ancient and present Egyptians.  Implementing modern notions of black or white races in ancient Egypt is anachronistic.  Modern Egyptians share eight percent of their genome with central Africans.  The ancient Egyptians shared less than one percent.  They weren't black, I can't tell if you're saying they were or weren't.  Nor do I care but I will just state that for clarity.  Not to correct anyone as I'm not sure what was being implied or confusingly stated.  Not that anyone gives a fuck.  This is some useless knowledge.

      But let me tell you what I do know.  If I'm walking down the street and there's a black man every ten feet on the left side of the road.  And a white guy every ten feet on the right side of the street.  It's more likely I'll get farther on the right side before I'm robbed and beaten.  Black people have a different way of thinking.  They're hyper-violent and criminals at rates that blow everyone else out of the water.  Per capita, they're the most dangerous fucks in The United States of America.  And if you're black, I'm guessing you are from the original comment.  Then I feel sorry for you.  You're constantly going to be prejudged by the actions of the majority of blacks.  For understandable reasons but it still sucks to be wrongfully thought of as a piece of shit by a stranger who doesn't know anything about you.  But it's all about chance and odds.  If ten black guys stand in front of me.  The average per capita odds tells me that eight of them are criminals.  If it's ten white men.  It tells me that odds are three of them are criminals.  So it makes sense to avoid the things that can fuck your day up.  That's why I avoid black people.  It's not that I can't stand the look of their skin.  It's just that I don't want to be robbed, beaten, or murdered.  The skin is just a convenient indication that trouble is likely.  So I avoid it just the same as I avoid hopping into the lion's den at the zoo.  I don't necessarily hate lions.  But the odds of one fucking up my day if I hop into their enclosure is pretty high.  So I just don't take the chance.  And yes, I realize everyone is capable of the same shit.  I avoid all people in complete honesty.  I can't stand people as well so I'm an equal opportunity hater.
Fuck all niggers!

      I left this part out.  I will have to look up all pyramids.  For all the ones I know of.  Which is probably all of them pretty much.  The farthest south any have been found in Africa is in southern Sudan.  Which is roughly horizontal to about the middle of the Red Sea on that map.  The Egyptians built one hundred fourteen known pyramids.  There are approximately two hundred forty Nubian pyramids that aren't talked about much.  I'm sure that's what you're mentioning when referring to further south.  Those stop at about the point I mentioned.   

     Hey, side note, I realize I'm typing long fucking comments.  I don't care if anyone reads them and assumes no one will.  You seem to have a familiarity with the subject.  So I figured I'd type this shit out if it does interest you at all.  It's only going to take me ten minutes or so to type this shit.  So it's not a big deal if it's not read.
 I'm not an expert on this subject.  I'm one of those losers who spend all their time learning, playing instruments, and exploring the world.  So I know a little about many things.  

     Back to what I was typing.  You mentioned similar structures in South America.  I'm not judging anyone and realize the subject is seen very differently by many people.  I don't discount the possibility of migration in any case.  I know little about Egyptian history and engineering compared to what I know about the ancient civilizations in the Americas.  I've heard many arguments on the Egyptian influence theories.  I've never come across any evidence that would lead me in that direction.  That aside, it's awesome that there are more pyramids in the Americas than anywhere else.  The largest pyramid by volume was built there.    But about a single country.  Sudan has the most pyramids within its borders.
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
i guess i'll give everyone here a little bit of history lesson.
 Egypt...the whitening of Egypt...started from the destruction that Cleopatra brought upon Egypt. You see...normally, female royalty of Egypt were not allowed to marry non royalty or foreigners. Cleopatra's father was Greek or Roman I believe. The mistake started...when that mother of that royalty was allowed to still stay in the kingdom with that child. When she grew up, she got married to the King of Egypt at that time. She did not love she indirectly killed her 1st husband. In Egypt, there has to be a King in she was married to her 2nd husband who she then killed by poisoning and all the other male royalty who she was to get married to. To add insult to injury this slut was in a sexual relationship with Julius Caesar and had a love child with him. The royalty of Egypt abhored the atrocities she had committed and had it not been for Caesar's troops, she would have been killed and her body left for vultures and crows to eat. Through Caesar's influence, the majority of the royalty were assassinated except for the few that fled to west Africa...around where Nigeria is at. Egypt became a vassal state of Rome. Also, around that period, the Israelites were also fighting against rome because in Rome the Emperor is also a god to be worshipped. This goes against the 1st and 2nd commandment. The Israelites were making strides but then...they got betrayed. A lot of them died but some of them made it to Egypt and into the Americas. The ones that went to you know why they went there?? Because the Egyptians looked like them; they are black. I can bring several evidence that the Egyptians used to be black but I will leave this saying this Egyptian president in the 1950s said. Gamal Abdel Nasser the 2nd president in Egypt in 1956 went on television and radio in the 50's and stated to the Askenazi Jews "You have left Black and returned White you are impostors and shall never see peace". Back to the history lesson...the Hebrew Israelites fled to Egypt...but the Romans followed them there. Cleopatra colluded with the Romans so they then had to flee from there; in the process of fleeing southward...some were captured and made slaves by different tribes already living in the regions that they were fleeing through. But as regards how Egypt and a lot of the upper parts of African got populated by the Arabs...the Persians conquered Egypt and thanks to feminism, Islam conquered the Persians. The black men were either turned into slaves and killed and the females became concubines and whores willing for the most part and produced so many bastards whom their fathers were not black. That's how Egypt's population...became what it is today
Fuck all niggers!
     I don't understand the direction you went.  Or what the main point is.  That seems like a response to the one sentence about modern Egyptians sharing eight percent of genomes with blacks from central African countries.  Which was a pointless side note on my part.  But yeah, I think it's common knowledge that Egypt was long under the rule and cultural influence of the Romans.  It is the point where artifacts start plummeting in value on what we can just call the black market for ease of conversation.  They changed significantly rather quickly really.  Are you a black man?
VikiSan Omega 18,687 points
Bitches fight like a ladyboy
+2 votes
Sep 19, 2022
diedinjuly Veteran 11,490 points
(⁠☞⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠☞ why blur ass and slits
+2 votes
Sep 20, 2022
It´s me Luigi Experienced 473 points
Sexy? Sluts - ya, sure, but sexy? Come on Butt-Head, nothing that comes in that shade of shit is sexy!... They just dress themselves like classy sexy young white ladies, but are nothing of the kind, deep down they´re just monkeys in wigs and costumes!... (and the above is video evidence nr 2)
+1 vote
Sep 20, 2022
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,667 points
0 votes
Sep 20, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,556 points
High class fucking nigger bitches will never be civilized, they will always act like they still belong in the hood
0 votes
Sep 20, 2022
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
@kellwng there's no difference between the college educated ones and the hood ones. If you notice fake shit on them; they're all the same. But even though one of them seems different, I will never gamble or take the risk that; that one that seems to be an exception I found is different. It's too fucking dangerous to risk dealing with them; too fucking dangerous
TheHound Natural Addict 7,165 points
Literal whores fighting over who is going to be the bottom bitch.
0 votes
Sep 20, 2022
America_The_Free -1 points
What good is it if they blur it out?!
–1 vote
Oct 9, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
–1 vote
Nov 18, 2022
Butt-Head The Boss 28,875 points
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