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7,452 views May 3, 2023

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cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points

+3 votes
May 3, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
No, it has nothing to do with my old colleague from Kaysersberg. The video is not from Africa . . .
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
It's from Papua, New Guinea. They called it "Kuru".
@cinædus. Plenty of nigger lovers around. Especially the white bitches.
Crimnt Famous 4,076 points
@cinædus Now you have put yourself to the level of the nigger, because you can't even differentiate the difference between where these events are taking place and only assumed without proper research. You are one with the sub humans.
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
sorry that i couldn't even differentiate the difference
god fucking dammit niggerlovers are fucking retarded
markastin78 60 points
That's the problem with shitt for brains like you you think you're so smart but really dumb as fukk and you would realize that if you ever listen to yourself
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,061 points
Incest is best?
+2 votes
May 3, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Vegan for win!
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,681 points
At least I can say I know my wife like my sister because she is also my mother.
alessandro_ Addicted 1,819 points
En la vida todo es perspectiva, ellos que sufren tienen cierta perspectiva de el mundo, nosotros que tenemos para comer cuantas veces queramos al dia tenemos tambien nuestra propia perspectiva, ninguna perspectiva es correcta simplemente unas son de el lado positivo o negativo, en realidad solo son una forma a la que la energia(nosotros) puede cambiar, una siendo pensada como beneficiosa(lo positivo) solo porque no nos mata, Osea nos mantiene conscientes, y eso es en lo que creemos, entonces todo podria ser diferente, y podriamos creer lo opuesto, y percibirlo de forma distinta, por lo tanto todo es mentira, o un engaño, o simplemente es lo que no puede ser y a la vez vise versa, se puede decir que la muerte no es nada mas que la vida invertida, y toda perspectiva es causa de contantes estimulos cerebrales que todos estamos constantemente experimentando, cada quien los experimenta diferente, dependiendo de muchas cosas complejas, el estado de su cerebro físico, sus genes, etc. la comunicación es una parte importante para nuestra perspectiva, desde que estamos pequeños nos comunican ideas y estas terminan creando quienes somos, y como lo que somos va cambiando en todo momento, en realidad no somos lo que somos, entonces si lo pensamos en una forma general, no somos nada y todos somos insignificantes sin conocimiento que simplemente van por el mundo pasando el tiempo, y cuando estemos muertos volveremos a ese estado de inconsciencia en el cual hemos estado antes de nacer, y entonces quizás eso es lo que somos, y a la vez no lo somos, porque somos lo que somos en este instante, en conclusion el ser humano es una mentira y yo nose nada para decir que todo lo que acabo de escribir es verdad o no, ya que esta claro que de todo puede pasar y a todo se le puede encontrar mas, y a la ves eso tambien es mentira, entonces simplemente estoy confundido y nunca entendere nada, y a la vez estoy entendiendo esto y al fin y al cabo solo somos un organismo, que diferentes somos a los robots?
0 votes
May 3, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Si!!! Relativismo moral a tope!!! Sodomía, blasfemia, sexo interracial, todo vale!!!
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Schwätzet gfälligscht ä Schprooch, wo d'Lüüt au väschtäähe chönnet, Ihr Gäelfiässler!
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Jeter un peu de langue d'escargot dans le mélange boiii
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
nunc tacete, stulti pueri linguas vernaculas loquentes, et irrumamini
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
D'Rääter Schicklgruber isch kai Alamanne nit gsii, Du Bachl, Du ...
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,061 points
Hitler was a vegetarian jerk who killed his dog
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Con mèo buồn ngủ vẫn thực sự hạnh phúc
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
@Who To be honest, I don't even believe bad, bad Schicklgruber did kill himself. Wasn't his aide-de-camp Günsche on the spot immediately after the shots, and put in his gun?! I am very sure that in reality the faithful Otto shot his master and his mistress . . .
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
@OyVeyRabbi Sorry, but only Indo-European languages are tolerated here!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
locutiones barbaricas tuas non intellego
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,681 points
01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100111 01100001 01111001
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
@FarmerFred2023 Projection.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
I actually laughed at this shit
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,061 points
You are a high-tech low-life
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Equilibrium in action
frenkfromnextdoor Extreme Poster 586 points
What is this about. Its not shell shock. Did someone tried to poison them but failed. Or just inbreding genetic disorder
0 votes
May 3, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Or Creutzfeldt Jakob disease?
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
It's about a pack of primitive asshats who cannibalize their enemies and their own dead. Because they eat the meat and the brains, they became infected with prions: malformed glycoproteins which cause Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, which is a neurodegenerative disorder. It's always fatal.
@cinædus. your poetry is so eloquent I had to repost it again. Bravo You are a hero. Below are your words...... Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.
+2 votes
May 3, 2023
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,061 points
LOL get a life dude!
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
Thank you! Continue like this and I will give you not one, but TWO fried chicken legs
unbothered66 Overlord 4,920 points
WTF happened did they eat the white guy???
+1 vote
May 3, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
They always eat the white guy.
NebuJlN Veteran 14,222 points
The chicks at 1:14 are hot, specially the right one of the three!
0 votes
May 4, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,487 points
Very cool.
0 votes
May 4, 2023
Faggot Hunter Intermediate 1,371 points
Funny video as always
+1 vote
Jun 6, 2023
gentroon Addicted 1,631 points
I can't believe what I just saw...
+2 votes
Jun 21, 2023
markastin78 60 points
I'm sure whatever suffering these people are going thru you can rest assured some demonic ass crackers behind it
0 votes
Jul 18, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
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