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Road rage down under


8,391 views Jul 20, 2023

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aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,746 points
"leave me alone!"
His famous last words
+2 votes
Jul 20, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
He sure told him!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,746 points
documented roi(a)d rage can range from hilarious to horrifying xD
epsilon Advanced 2,704 points
what a loser, completely loses control over himself like a monkey. for cunts like him i always have pepper spray and a gun ready in the glove box. but unfortunately, things like that never happens to me
+2 votes
Jul 20, 2023
Damnman Addicted 1,541 points
Nasty asshole hope he gets what he deserves behind bars
+2 votes
Jul 20, 2023
He cringed like a bitch when he punched the window, so he proceeded to slap it like a bitch would.
+1 vote
Jul 20, 2023
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,477 points
It would be interesting to see what happened beforehand considering how their cars are positioned
+2 votes
Jul 21, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Yeah no kidding.  For the life of me I can't imagine any scenario that would leave them positioned in such a way.
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
He seriously just sat there and didn't drive away. Moronic victims of road rage for dummies.
0 votes
Jul 21, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
This dude looks so much like a bully character from every late 80s/early 90s movie
+3 votes
Jul 21, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
How much you wanna bet his name was Chad or Tad or Biff, or something gay like that.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Hahaha Yeah, fuckin totally!  Guaranteed this dude and his crew ride around the beach on dirt bikes, looking for "dweebs" to give wedgies to
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
Okay, was that guy mad that the old man got a vaccine or didn't get one? I couldn't follow his incoherent ramblings.
+1 vote
Jul 21, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
I don't get it either.  It seems to be some dispute over driving to me.  The way he's screaming about the mirror makes me think the old guy may have been at fault, and the dude was saying "SEE!  YOU HAVE A MIRROR!!! USE IT! YOU SEE ME NOW?!" or something to that extent.  At least by the body language it seemed that way.  I couldnt understand whatever jibberish he was spouting, though.  Aussies are difficult enough to understand, let alone angry Aussies
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
I thought I heard 'vaccine'. I'm high, so I wouldn't rule out him saying something else, He was really mad at that mirror, though. You're probably right.
theredwatercomesout Overlord 5,594 points
Literally broke the mirror with a boomerang
0 votes
Jul 21, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,630 points