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Guy walks down an American street with his new Apple computer

9,560 views Aug 9, 2023

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KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,162 points
This is why I fuckin hate nggers
+10 votes
Aug 9, 2023
BCullari Advanced 2,696 points
I am going to find an empty box and fill it with shit with "FUCK NIGGERS" written in bright red ink on the inside flap.
Anyway, the fat cunt deserved to lose his computer. He looked like some pasty gamer who preached equality among races. Now he's received his nigger schooling.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,162 points
Hahahaha for sure hu found out real quick
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
Jesus I fucking DETEST them!
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points

      You've been here on livegore for a good amount of time now.  I've always wondered if you liked African Americans.  I've seen you type the word nigger one or two times that I can recall slightly.  It wasn't in a real mean way either.  But you rarely type up any hate filled comments.  Then knowing you live the gang life, I figured you probably hangout with and like African Americans in the Salt lands.  Although, everytime I've been in Utah, I didn't really see many black people.  You may deal crack but your one of the nicest livegore members.  And yeah, that guy was tempting fate, it's hard to feel bad that he lost his new computer if it was a computer.  My friends and I used to hit the thrift store and buy cheap wallets and purses for a quarter.  Then put dog shit in them and toss them where there was a bunch of crusty African Americans and get a laugh.  You'd think their big noses would tip them off but in their excitement they just plunge their hands in without a care.  It was nasty and nastier yet, most didn't even seem upset they had shit on their hands.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,162 points
Haha well thank you for noticing my friend let me fill you in your right I have a couple of black homies in back I am not racist at all but there are such things as fuckin niggers tho just a complete different type of black people you just wanna beat the fuck outa one time this ngger slapped me while I was downtown selling crack so I busted his teeth out with my 380 I choose to carry a 380 because they're small but anyways ive also ran over 3 of them on 2 seperate occasions of them trying to rob me and thank God I haven't killed anybody yet because regardless of what people think usually you dont get away with murder in the states some people do in bigger cities but where im from they usually get cought my cousin is doing 99 years right now for 2 murders we were involved with a while back needless to say i wasnt the shooter that time but any ways fuck nggrs black fools are chill if they arent nggers
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,162 points
I give everybody respect no matter what they look like or whatever until they don't give me the same I try to make 100 friends before 1 enemy and I don't pick on anybody cuz nobody likes a bully I know I'm hard I don't gotta prove it thinking I'm sick to nobody
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points

     I don't type this very often, but a few less personal details would be better. I wouldn't fuck around with electronics these days. It's wild how everything is saved and can be found if you're unlucky. Though, I'm not telling you what to do.

    But back to the conversation, that is kind of similar to me. I work with way more African Americans than anyone else in the world of music. I've never treated anyone differently from the next one. I'm not referring to rap or hip-hop. Guitar oriented shit, blues, rock, or whatever you want to call it. I give everyone a set amount of respect until they prove they don't deserve it. But I will exercise more caution around large groups of black people. And avoid unknown blacks and areas with black people. You wouldn't see me marching down the street in a black neighborhood with a new Apple computer. Hahaha I'm from Chicago. I've been around black people a lot. There are some normal everyday black people who are good people. Not as many as there should be. So I think I would be considered racist by most people. I am in some ways, but I can like anyone if they're not trash. It's a tough subject to describe and there's no good reason to try. But making friends over enemies is much better for everyone. I generally avoid people except for work. Otherwise, I just hangout with my dogs and travel non-stop. As for the last part of the murder subject. It's absolutely the best way to look at it. That you will get caught. There's a very good chance anyone who kills someone will eventually get caught. Shockingly enough, there's a forty percent chance someone will get away with murder in The United States of America. The majority of unsolved murders are speculated to be random acts by people who barely know or don't know the victim. Like two strangers get into a dumb argument and shit goes south. Those are hard to solve.  Don't murder anyone, it isn't worth it! Even if they're robbing you.

     Carrying a .380, I'd recommend switching to 9mm. I don't know if you know about firearms. A .380 and 9mm are the same size but one has a longer casing for more gunpowder. You can get many different concealer 9mm guns that are virtually the same size as the .380. Comparing them, a .380 has a muzzle velocity of 900 feet-per-second and hits at 180 pounds per-square-inch. A 9mm has 1200 feet-per-second and 350 pounds per-square-inch of stopping force. The 9mm is more accurate and double the stopping force. Ruger LC9S is a common carrying gun. It's the same size as most .380s. It's just something to think about. My dumb ass carries large guns. Normally, a Kimber 1911 .45ACP. I only carry it legally, so I don't care if it can be detected slightly because I'm not worried about hiding it from the police if I'm talking to a cop for any reason.
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
Sorry for the novel..
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,162 points
No your chill I get it but if I was trying to kill somebody I definitely would carry a bigger gun if I shoot somebody I'm not trying to kill them just hella hurt em and put em out this way if I get cought I won't be doing life but still send the same message
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,033 points
I'm pretty sure Apple can remotely lock the OS and suck up network info to track it
+5 votes
Aug 9, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
I thought the same but I looked it up in detail and they can't.  They cite the reason being it would be an invasion of privacy if they could track where their sold computers go.  There's nothing they can do.  Even if stolen from the store which I'm finding hard to believe.  I'll look a little more but it's seeming like they can't.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,477 points
Fucking disgusting niggers.
What a shame he wasn't in a state that allows the use of lethal force to defend your private property.
+4 votes
Aug 9, 2023
Shit For Brains Advanced 2,401 points
They’re like cockroaches coming out of the woodwork.
+4 votes
Aug 9, 2023
FATHER TIME DEVOURER Overlord 6,400 points
Is black lives matter?
+4 votes
Aug 9, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
They matter, because you have to plan around them and make sure you're no where near their vile criminal asses.  They matter because you have to wonder if one is going to murder you for a few dollars or break into your house.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
this is why all niggers need to be shot at birth
+3 votes
Aug 9, 2023
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
Lmao fr, bunch of niggers in their natural habitat
+3 votes
Aug 9, 2023
chancho The Boss 28,806 points
bet it changed hands several more times that night, and left a few bodies in the way. by now someone already traded it for some crack, chances are it will never be used for anything
+3 votes
Aug 9, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
Haha, hell yeah, that's sadly very likely.
User11231 8 points
with the money for apple computer i can buy my own gym and steroids lol
+1 vote
Aug 9, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
Niggers are why we can't have nice things.
+3 votes
Aug 10, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
I have nice things but I also intentionally moved to a small town where there's only one black on the official census.  And I'm an hour away from the big city I Iive by.  They're too poor to drive here, too poor to be here, they'd stand out, and be watched closely.  I've never felt safer and worried so little about losing my rare expensive guitars or anything else.  Fuck niggers, most of them are pure animals. Not all though, just about eighty percent.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
I live in Detroit. I'd be afraid to have nice things in my 'hood. I wish I lived somewhere like you do.
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
Shit, yeah I grew up in the  ghettos of Chicago.  It's very similar to Detroit but Detroit has way more vacant houses and buildings which attract druggie hobos. Depends on the area but in big cities, the garbage is never far away.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
I live in a major city and right downtown, but I also own firearms and am not afraid to use them.  In my 10 years living here I have yet to be fucked with.  Even when the George Floyd rioters came down my street I sat on my porch with a rifle and drinking beer.  My place stayed perfectly safe XD
chancho The Boss 28,806 points
i grew up in the third world, spent years in the barrio/ghetto of la. there's no comparison. the ghetto houses would be considered upper-middle class in my original town. the ghetto/barrio types in the usa wouldn't last 24 hours alive in the real third world. you try to steal something (a chicken is usually the most valuable shit a family has), you'll be eating your own hands raw before getting burned alive
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Oh yeah, my Army days sent me to some real 3rd world shitholes.  Funny that people in the US cry that they have it so bad and hate their own country. Those fuckers should go to live in a REAL shithole.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Yeah people reckon nowadays it's poverty if you can't get KFC delivered 4 times a week and you've only got an Iphone 11
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
I don't hate America. I'm damn proud to be American, but Detroit is a shitbox. However, I also recognize that I could be living in Braziwww or the Congo, and I'm grateful I don't. @Antiheroin, thanks for your service, dude.
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
Just look at those fucking feral niggers foaming at the mouth over shit to steal.  Fat boy is stupid as fuck.  I'll bet he was a liberal nigger supporting loser.  Why else would he think that would turn out any different?  I bet he still supports nigger love and will claim it was a one in a million chance and he just walked past one of the few bad niggers.  Fucking niggers are wild animals and this video demonstrates itt we'll.  What will nigger lover gjmojo67, aka SanfordandSon, have to type about this nigger show?
+2 votes
Aug 10, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
This is nigger utopia, if they were in charge of everything this is what it would be like everywhere. Fortunately they rob and kill each other, ending up in jail. But the nigger utopia is getting closer to reality for a lot of people due to libtards and useful idiots.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
I'm more pissed off about the guy filming. Is he that poor that he follows around a guy with a new computer like he's a celebrity?
+3 votes
Aug 10, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
He's black and likey started recording because he knew what would happen.  Give him some credit, he expressed that the other nigs should calm down and leave the guy alone.  Plus at the end he said he felt bad for homie and he sounded sincere.  He seems alright to me.  But his excitement about the guy buying whatever he said it was, that was odd but I think he was recording for the first thing I typed.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
He felt bad because he was probably alerting more possible thieving scum to the situation by shouting "THIS DUDE GOT A NEW APPLE COMPUTER!!  OMG THIS DUDE GOT A NEW COMPUTER!!! YALL SEE THAT?!" lol
fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
their should have been a Bomb inside the computer box and when opened up,  Bang the nigger is in bits and pieces
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points

     That's a great idea!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,746 points
Give Mark Rober a call about that shit... he's the dude to go to for such nefarious objectives xD
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
+2 votes
Aug 10, 2023
Femboys.R.MEATHOLE Extreme Poster 734 points
Damn slaves
+2 votes
Aug 10, 2023
sad1sta Advanced 2,805 points
this is sad... black man just can't get a break in this country
+1 vote
Aug 10, 2023
Nocturno Addicted 2,230 points
otro pendejo...
0 votes
Aug 20, 2023
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points