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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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10,232 views Aug 22, 2023

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FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
One of the very first. Back when the internet was just starting to spread like the legs of that old slut being cooked on the train tracks.
+2 votes
Aug 22, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Yeah or the dude blowing up the dinghy with his mouth, his kid jumps on the dinghy and all the air rushes back and blows his head open. Turned out to be fake but it was a good fake.   
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
I never saw that but it's funny. Are you implying you think the knife through the neck is fake? Every time I see that, there are a lot of people who think it's fake.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
No the exploding head is fake, the person who did it was to tell everyone not to believe everything you see on the internet is real or true.
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,190 points
Always gives me pleasure to see russians getting beheaded
+3 votes
Aug 22, 2023
diedinjuly Veteran 11,430 points
what happened to the one where the cartel dudes cut the guys tongue out the did some crazy shit to his hands or something? i forget exactly what
+3 votes
Aug 22, 2023
diedinjuly Veteran 11,430 points
but i was like what in the fuck? which is rare
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
I remember seeing this something like 20 years ago and I felt a bit of sick come up. Now I'm just jaded and no longer fased by heads being removed.
+2 votes
Aug 22, 2023
GoreWatcher Intermediate 1,202 points
this was one of my first gore videos i ever saw, 20 odd years (or more ago)

anyone remember the guy tied to two cars and they drove off in different directions, pulling his arms off, that was a good on, bringing back memories
+3 votes
Aug 22, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
I have always wanted to see someone pulled apart like that. I never saw it but did see one where a guy was tied to the back bumper of two trucks and stretched tightly as the trucks slowly started driving. But they stopped, then he was stabbed to death. It was a weird on.
GoreWatcher Intermediate 1,202 points
i’ve just been looking for it, but can’t find it :-( it was a really old and jittery video, i think only 1 arm was ripped off, then he was dragged along
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Do you remember Ogrish, lots of good stuff on there.
GoreWatcher Intermediate 1,202 points
thats what it was on
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,477 points
That video has been uploaded here.
It looks to be somewhere in the middle east or Pakistan, right?
GoreWatcher Intermediate 1,202 points
TheHound Natural Addict 7,155 points
When this video dropped, I thought it was one of the most gruesome videos out there. Now that I have spent years watching ISIS and Mexican cartels operate, this video seems tame in comparison.
0 votes
Aug 23, 2023
MrTellfer Addicted 1,838 points
I think this was my first gore clip. But I can’t remember where I’ve seen it. Was it on rotten ?
0 votes
Aug 23, 2023
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points