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Palestinians strip the corpse of an Israeli woman, put it on display and desecrate it while shouting "Allah Akbar".

308,682 views Oct 7, 2023

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AppleEater Beginner 213 points
Omg this is so pleasant
+6 votes
Oct 7, 2023
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,583 points
: D............
NebuJlN Veteran 14,222 points
@11aa11 lol @OyVeyRabbi how is the connection over there?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,294 points
you know that communism is a jewish ideology, right?
Defcabounty 0 points
You know you are an idiot....Marx was only Jewish by blood....his parents converted to Christianity before he was born.  The Jews were known capitalists.....and Marx came up with his ideology because of his disdain of the Jews.....
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,294 points
lol such huge fucking bullshit
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,927 points
Israel is the best country ever! Palestine sucks and is gay! Palestine is not even a real country!
+6 votes
Oct 7, 2023
BurnHomoJews 17 points
manguta84 Beginner 196 points
si supieras algo de historia sabrias que es israel quien no deberia existir
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
+8 votes
Oct 7, 2023
Ronchebal Advanced 2,362 points
A pack of feral dogs.. Footage like this ain´t gonna generate much support for their "cause"..
Pretty sure the payback is gonna be tenfold..
+8 votes
Oct 7, 2023
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,193 points
God damn they all were chasing them wanting to fuck her tight ass
+4 votes
Oct 8, 2023
Cedarstrom 0 points
I'm jealous they get to rape the fuck out of her, I want to fuck her so bad and all the other innocent Israel women at the festival
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,193 points
Touche my friend touche
dandcashd 3 points
She is Shani Louk
+1 vote
Oct 8, 2023
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,650 points
I don't care about any of these shitty places.

But i hope they raped her.
+3 votes
Oct 8, 2023
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,747 points
It's almost a guarantee they got there hole bro ;)
Asfgg Beginner 100 points
They definitely empowered her for hours
Cedarstrom 0 points
She so bad that I want to rape the fuck out of her and keep her as my prisoner to fuck when I feel like it. I would love to rape all those innocent Israel women at the rave but my favorite is Shani Louk.
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,650 points
Fuck these Zionists, fuck them and behead them while alive and kicking.
The gachatuberかわいい Beginner 186 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,294 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,294 points
lol drag your wide butthole out of here dear "gachatuber" this place aint no tiktok, here is full of nazis, racists and homophobics, kill yourself bitch fuck you and your politically correct i would pay to see you dismembered alive by dogs
FUCKisrael 17 points
Fuck yeah bro
the demon Intermediate 1,062 points
LOL these stupid fucking sand nigger savages are straight up fucking with the wrong country lol have fun
+7 votes
Oct 8, 2023
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
@the demon
The only stupid mother fucker here is you kiddo. Israel will be a wasteland by the time this is over, it is prophecy and prophecy always unfolds ! It will be a wonderful day to celebrate when every man, woman and child Jew are buried 6 feet under. It’s coming buckaroo- keep watching, wink wink
BurnHomoJews 17 points
卐JEWS R SAVAGE卐 buddy listen up. You saw gaza right? That was pretty much their whole "country" so stfu you inbreed cuck
MrTellfer Addicted 1,844 points
Only pussy those sand niggers will get
+6 votes
Oct 8, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
Now that's not fair. There are farm animals and dogs aplenty over there. I hear goats in particular are popular with that crowd.
BurnHomoJews 17 points
卐IM DEAD RN IRL LOL, perfect use of that comment ngl卐
RealmKafir Intermediate 1,012 points
Yup very strong Muslim faggots screaming allu ha gaybar with a dead woman on truck. That's the only thing Muslim pigs do using woman and children for their war. Bunch massive homo cunts.
+7 votes
Oct 8, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
But in Islam it is ok to take her as a slave plus she wasn't covered head to toe so is obviously a prostitute. Allah say's it's ok to do what Hamas does. Yet western countries import muzzies into their countries by their thousands every week. These will be the scenes in large European cities in a decade.
LovetoTellYouSTFU 50 points
but in hell there are billions who brutalized other people in the name of god
rstjli Well-Known 956 points
why didnt they flip her over to show them titties
+2 votes
Oct 8, 2023
Yousef Advanced 2,311 points
hell is waiting
+1 vote
Oct 9, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
No. According to the dessert devil allah they get 72 virgins who are 27.5 metres tall with transparent skin for raping a non muslim girl.

Sex slavery is supported by allah fuckbar.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
<a href='../user/Yousef'>@Yousef
Actually hell is a Roman Catholic construct and is not what idiots like you think! Nowhere in the Bible does it say human souls will die in a burning hell for eternity ! The word hell only means grave kiddo, I suggest you do some reading and homework perhaps. The lake of fire is reserved for the devil and his angels- something totally different! This Jew whore in the back of the vehicle is of the cannanite bloodline, a bloodline that will surely be wiped from the face of the earth. Jews are the enemy of mankind and they will eventually be destroyed
Yousef Advanced 2,311 points
fuck you
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,294 points
well said my brother
勠夷真君 6 points
dammit hamas... bet they never read the history of the boxer rebellion
+1 vote
Oct 9, 2023
LWSZ Extreme Poster 545 points
Oh, bruh, you have such an interesting nick name!
goreislife Intermediate 1,338 points
+2 votes
Oct 9, 2023
Bullshark2023 Experienced 331 points
what a waste of that fuck meat, they should capture every israeli women and make them slave for fun
+1 vote
Oct 10, 2023
Malibogsila Intermediate 1,495 points
Anither raped case
+1 vote
Oct 20, 2023
Cocksicle42969 Beginner 148 points
They really need to kill these monkeys faster, disgusting muslim trash ugh.
+4 votes
Nov 9, 2023
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
@Cocksicle42969 Actually they need to destroy the Jews also ! These so called Jews are NOT the so called Jews of the Bible , they are NOT the true Hebrew Israelites and are a counterfeit 100% ! Keep watching kiddo bevause Esau is nearing the end of his invasion and his reign, the ZOG is about to be wiped from the face of the earth ! It’s really really sad when pathetic little kids like yourself have no understanding of who this bloodline really is , they are truly the synagogue of Satan ! They hate the white man, they despise God, they worship Baal, they believe in their un holy book (the Talmud) that they are authorized to enslave every non Jew , they believe it’s ok to rape any non Jew , they believe it’s ok to rape children in the name of their religion IE Judiasm ! Me thinks you need to brush up on one of the oldest luceferian religions known to man, these people and their religion will very soon be a thing of the past you silly DUMBFUCK !
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,294 points
did you watch europathelastbattle???
ADAMLANZA Addicted 1,814 points
Damn. They are killing all
0 votes
Nov 16, 2023
ReactModernist Well-Known 971 points
Shit their pants when facing an actual army in a conventional war.
+1 vote
Nov 18, 2023
XxKitKat666xX Beginner 124 points
Everyone waiving at the end like if they're fucking newlyweds
0 votes
Nov 25, 2023