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Georgia deputy fatally shoots man who was exonerated after serving 16 years on false robbery conviction
4,848 views Oct 23, 2023

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Ronchebal Advanced 2,362 points
Yes sir, ok sir, sorry sir..
and he would have been alive
Suicide by cop
+2 votes
Oct 23, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
If a cop is a harsh, rude, bitter, angry, aggressive, nasty, ill-tempered arsehole who yells and refuses to act in a calm, professional manner, fuck him! I ain't doing shit! He can go to hell! Stupid Americunts like you are too damn angry and rude to everyone over the dumbest things. Meanwhile in civlised countries like Denmark, this shit never ever happens. If you want to make an impact, don't yell or get angry. Americunt law enforcers are bullies with anger issues who don't know how to be nice to people, which is exactly why everyone hates them, as is deserved.
Dobry69 Veteran 14,416 points
+2 votes
Oct 23, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
Fuck that Nazi tyrant cop!! The "suspect" did nothing wrong!!! Also, car dependence is killing us. This shit never happens outside of the car-addicted USA. Only in Amerikkkah are retards obsessed with driving and are the law enforcers worse barbaric savages than the suspected law violators. Even the barbaric niggers are more civilised.. Even Brazil has more ethical cops than the dumb USA.

Also, I hate it when Americunts refer to any one of the 50 US "states" as if it's a country. If a foreigner on the other side of the world asks you where you're from, and your answer is something like "Phoenix, Arizona!", then that foreigner would have every right to shoot you. Russia is a country, but "Pennsylvania" is not. Hear that, idiots at the sensationalist DailyMail? I'm pretty sure no one in Bangladesh knows what a "Kentucky" is. No, "Wisconsin" is not a country either. It's merely a subnational territory within a country. The US-centric mentality plaguing the internet is a deadly consequence of the USA existing in its own little bubble, isolated from the rest of the world.
BTW which "georgia" is being referred to? The fake shitty lousy ass "Georgia" in the retarded ass USA, or the real Georgia in the Caucasus? Fuck the fake "Georgia"!!! And fuck its Nazi tyrant motherfucking cops, especially this fuckface and his faggot gay lover Kevin Leonpacher!!!! Boycott the fake "Georgia"!!! Never go there!!!
0 votes
Oct 23, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,860 points
your mother is killing us
randomuser1829228 6 points
What? Lamo wdym "he did nothing wrong"? If a cop says put the hands behind ur back and u fucking fight him u will get what u deserve, 9mm to the head
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
If a cop is a harsh, rude, bitter, angry, aggressive, nasty, ill-tempered arsehole who yells and refuses to act in a calm, professional manner, fuck him! I ain't doing shit! He can go to hell! Stupid Americunts like you are too damn angry and rude to everyone over the dumbest things. Meanwhile in civlised countries like Denmark, this shit never ever happens. If you want to make an impact, don't yell or get angry. Americunt law enforcers are bullies with anger issues who don't know how to be nice to people, which is exactly why everyone hates them, as is deserved.
randomuser1829228 6 points
Everything will be more easy if u follow the cops instructions, even if he is wrong, if not u take that risk
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
The same logic was applied by the Nazis.
aqualung Veteran 10,860 points
R.I.P. feral nigger
+1 vote
Oct 23, 2023
sad1sta Advanced 2,821 points
cop was in the  wrong up until black started to resist, there was no need or reason to resist...
 what was his plan? to fuck up the cop about a speeding ticket and run?
 if he got shot then it's his own fault
0 votes
Oct 24, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
Fuck off, go back in time to Nazi Germany if you think that.
sad1sta Advanced 2,821 points
this was not africa, in civilized parts of the world if a cop wrongfully arrests you you can sue him and get some cash, so there is never a reason to resist
also I don't believe for a second he was innocent, probably they released him cause of some technicality
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,929 points
In a civlised country, law enforcers aren't raging sociopaths with severe anger issues like in the USA. Nowhere else on earth do people in positions of authority act in such a rude, harsh, aggressive, unprofessional manner. Not even in France did the cops who shot an Islamic terrorist to death in 2015 scream at the tops of their lungs. Since when is there any reason to treat someone who poses no threat worse than a violent Mudslime? While I hate the BLM shit and nigger activists, I also hate people who use their badges to bully people. From every US airport to the streets of the fake "Georgia", power is the ultimate destroyer of character.