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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Woman Shot and Killed After Approaching Morris Officers With Knife

Morris, Illinois — On September 29, 2023, Morris police received a 911 call from counselors who worked with 40-year-old Alivia Schwab, after being informed she was threatening herself with a knife. The officers found Schwab in the doorway of her first-floor apartment, on her cellphone talking to the counselors in her right hand and with a knife pointed to the ground in her left. As Schwab slowly walked out of her apartment, Officer Nick Pampinella told Officer Casie Price to use a Taser on her. However, Officer Price never discharged it or removed it from its holster as Schwab walked past her. Two seconds later, Officer Pampinella who instructed Officer Price to use a taser pulled a gun and shot Schwab three times, including once to the left eye. After Schwab was shot and killed, the officers handcuffed her in the parking lot. The two officers involved were not charged and the use of deadly force was deemed justifiable by the Grundy County State’s Attorney’s Office. The teenage children of Schwab have filed a federal lawsuit against Morris Police. The lawsuit documents claim that Schwab had a history of mental illness and was "in the process of transitioning from a residential facility into her own apartment" when the shooting occurred.


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2,486 views Dec 13, 2023

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Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Thank goodness they censored it.  We don't need to see that stuff on here.
+1 vote
Dec 13, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,927 points
Coward you are
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Lmao it was sarcasm, obviously.
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,927 points
Text only (as opposed to speaking in person) doesn't make shit obvious.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Come on dude.  This is a gore site and I am on here saying we don't need to see the gore lmao
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,904 points
Other than the cunt pig being completely fucking useless(shocker there) that stupid bitch deserved to die.
+1 vote
Dec 13, 2023
Dumbonlooker Intermediate 1,482 points
The cop looked satisfied for his prey,at least he didn't hide his expression
0 votes
Dec 13, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,927 points
Sounds like the real sociopathic killer
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,927 points
Only in the primitive barbaric USA are mentally ill people viewed as subhumans and brutally murdered unnecessarily by much worse sociopaths with badges.
0 votes
Dec 13, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points