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I heard this was from South America or some shithole country, but a prank like this makes me want to slowly disembowel the adults who did this sick sick act.

21,678 views Dec 6, 2021

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PowerRanger1717 Experienced 360 points
i would be mad if that was me
+5 votes
Dec 6, 2021
I’m planning on live-streaming my suicide. How should I do it? Originally I was going to drown or suffocate. Seems long and drawn out. Maybe a bullet through my head… I’ve seen so much on this site the idea doesn’t bother me anymore.
+6 votes
Dec 6, 2021
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,495 points
Bryce, please rethink of commiting suicide. I know life is shit and miserable, but please, there are people that care for you. Please, dont. Seek help or call your local suicide hotline

Anyways i would recommened shooting yourself, its a no-brainer by now. Where are you streaming?
RoadsideHorror Addicted 1,810 points
Figure it out, be creative
RoadsideHorror Addicted 1,810 points
@Sussy Baka i loled, spanks dairy much.
I haven’t decided on a platform yet. Problem with the gun is I don’t own one, and it’s hard to come by in my country. I’ll figure it out.
Anyone want a shoutout?
RoadsideHorror Addicted 1,810 points
@Bryce would be cool to have a shoutout. For a painless death, I'd recommend a new razor blade to open your veins. Jump in the bathtub and plug up the drain. The warmth of the water will block out the pain.
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,495 points
Stream on YT, and same would be cool if u could shoutout. But i doubt youll be able to pull this off, once your close to the face of death ur gonna pull out
The bathtub was where I was thinking of doing it. At least make it easy to clean up after.

I wonder if death feels like drifting off to sleep. Peaceful. Or if you’re trapped for an eternity in your mind, slowly watching yourself rot until there’s nothing left of you. I’m curious. What do you think? You guys have seen more death than anyone I’ll ever know. What do you think happens?
RoadsideHorror Addicted 1,810 points
My own near death experience was a gasp for breath, starting to faint into death, followed by deep relaxation then a fade to black. There was nothing to be afraid of, even after I was resuscitated. Good luck with your stream.
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,495 points
You rethinking while your naked in your bathub? Killing yourself pretty hard if your poor. If you have a good amount of money, you can probably build a guillotine and die that way, or a gun which is pretty hard to come by depending on your region.
I have a suit I was planning on wearing. A deep blue blazer. White shirt. Tie. Blue formal pants and brown dress-shoes. Pristine condition.

My intention is not to glamorise, but at least die with some dignity. Not that I have any pride left, but still.
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,495 points
If you're really planning to do this, dont fuck it up. All i want to say is once you're in the heat of the moment, you're going to realize it might not be worth it.
don't do it, I almost lost a friend once to attempted suicide and it hurt mentally knowing someone I know and love had a chance to be at death's door. Please don't be like my friend and seek help.
I have a better option for you. If you have someone you hate, do every possible things to get back at them. You'll be far more satisfied than to end it all. If that doesn't do the trick, how about rob a bank, get into a police chase, become a serial k1ller, put pills in strangers' drink, kidnap ransom, sell druq, sabotage train tracks and many more. There are countless possibilities! Live up a little and don't be boring
KillerofQueers13 Advanced 2,404 points
Probably not a good idea
Shit On Cock jr
Let us know what you stream on and name if you go through with it. We wont let you die alone.
Brace don’t kill your
Brace don’t kill your self bro can I please talk with you my insta is damian_reiche
KillerofQueers13 Advanced 2,404 points
What happened to u
Don't kill yourself. What if you couldn't find peace afterward and be in hell where there'll be no death anymore and you'll be there forever suffering all kinds of pain. Please think again and read QURAN.
KillerofQueers13 Advanced 2,404 points
Nothing is accomplished by killing yourself it's the cowards way out, but I ain't gonna try to stop you.  I do however have gift for you
KillerofQueers13 Advanced 2,404 points
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Quick, Painless and Easy
RoadsideHorror Addicted 1,810 points
@racistbassist good band. Sweet dreams, death song, and 500 channels are good songs from them
KillerofQueers13 Advanced 2,404 points
Leftover Crack is a good one too basically the same band same singer and bassist
RoadsideHorror Addicted 1,810 points
I'll check em out, thx
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,495 points
@Bryce you are missing something in your life, i highly suggest playing videogames. it got me out of boredom and sadness, it'll help you.
why do you want to kill yourself? If you're depressed have you tried stop watching porn? Not drinking alcohol? Daylight therapy?
ssstepbrooo 26 points
Yeah something is missing, like thrills and adrenaline. How about an attempt assassination on your local president/governor/royals/politicians? If you fail you'll get executed anyway. Kidnap billionaire/actors/artist for ransom, poison police food, kill gang leaders. So much possibilities you're missing out.
KillerofQueers13 Advanced 2,404 points
@ssstepbrooo This guy gets it hell yeah
Hi, carbon monoxide poisoning would be the most peaceful way to die, you just fall asleep and never wake up again. An old classmate of mine comitted suicide two years ago by lighting a grill in the bathroom. Please don't do it, your family and friends will have to live with it for the rest of their lives. I hope you get better, I know life can be depressing, and hard.
KraKKerKiller6996 Intermediate 1,364 points
Do it pussy
Gun to the head is the most painless, you won’t even know you shot yourself till you’re already dead, but before all that rethink if there’s anything at all you want to live for, whether its revenge, a person, or for example I live for my dog, when my dog dies I will die. Plain and simple. But if someone is at fault for his death they will die too. If you’re dead set on killing yourself then go ahead, anything must be better than whatever you’re going through. Just try to do what you’ve always wanted to do first or die trying, that way you can die peacefully. Don’t listen to anyone who’s telling you not to, they don’t care all they want is to look good. Take the easy way out no matter what, there’s no point in working your ass off for something as silly as life. Life will always find a way to fuck you over, don’t ever have hopes because life will crush you, don’t ever dream because life will make sure it never comes true.
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
@Abcdefghijk , hello UrDaughterDoesAnal … I figured you out. This is the one comment I absolutely know is the real you. Kept you waiting huh?
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
I know you were Sussy Baka… I thought you were dead. I thought you were both dead. You played me brother… why?
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
Cmon admit it. You’re impressed. Don’t worry. Everyone in this thread is inactive. It’s just you and I left now
FuckinGr8 Addicted 1,782 points
Best advice I've ever seen given on here. Live it up without fear of consequences, and of course, post here for us (=
niggerhunter666 Experienced 383 points
bryce here i offed myself with a shotgun.  buckshot.  videos on here <3
letmecrushyourskullz 24 points
did bryce end up doing it? or is he all good now?
That's so mean
0 votes
Dec 6, 2021
Butt-Head The Boss 28,875 points
I can 100% confirm that they do this every fuckin birthday. I don't like cake, but they always fuckin buy 1 and they'll slam ur face in it :l it's tradition.
–1 vote
Dec 6, 2021
KraKKerKiller6996 Intermediate 1,364 points
That's fucked up. But I like to think maybe they had an even better cake for him afterwards and got him cleaned up,
+1 vote
Dec 14, 2021
danielll Famous 3,058 points
thats fucked..
+2 votes
Jan 16, 2022
Swagger21 Experienced 310 points
"its just a prank"
the prank:
+2 votes
Jul 2, 2022
yvngsuicide666 Intermediate 1,092 points
dumb ppl
0 votes
Aug 17, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
Unhappy unbirthday to fuck you!
That's his worst birthday ever inaugurated for the people who got invited by gangsta
0 votes
Nov 20, 2022
Sillygoober Addicted 1,605 points
Thats a start of a villan arc
0 votes
Jul 28, 2024