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Woman found hanged and in a late state of decomposition in Indonesia. 5 May 2024 (infos)

Amazing, Woman from Bengkulu City Found Hanging Herself in Central Bengkulu, - Residents of the Griya Tugu Hiu Saiyo Housing Complex, Taba Jambu Village, Pondok Kubang District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province, were shocked, Sunday (5/5/2024) morning.

Regarding this, residents found that a woman who was reportedly named Fitri Astaeni (38), a native of Pematang Governor Village, Muara Bangkahulu District, Bengkulu City, who lived in one of the houses in the housing complex, was found dead and had hanged herself.

From information received by neighbors, the person concerned has been dead for more than three days. This condition was strengthened by the condition of the corpse's body which was rotting and filled with caterpillars. The smell emitted is also quite strong. In addition, it was discovered that Fitri had not gone out for several days and her Honda Beat motorbike was still parked in the yard.

"That's right. Indeed, one of our neighbors was found hanging himself. Currently the police are at the location to look directly into the house," concluded Bayu, a local neighbor.

The police from the Talang Empat Police, assisted by the Inafis team who received this information, immediately came to the crime scene (TKP) and immediately evacuated the woman who was found dead and had hanged herself.

Fitri Asnaeni (38), a woman who was found dead hanging herself in Central Bengkulu on Sunday 5 May 2024 morning, is known to have worked as a singer. In her daily life, Fitri seems closed and rarely communicates actively with her neighbors.

This was conveyed directly by Kadun 3 Taba Jambu Village, Sidin Karo to journalists.

"His daily life is a bit closed. What we know is that he works as a singer. He has lived in this housing complex for a long time. But his status is still registered as a resident of Bengkulu City. However, he lives in the Taba Jambu Village housing complex," said Sidin.

Meanwhile, Fitri's body was found hanging at around 08.25 WIB by neighbors next to her house. When found, the victim's body was still hanging with a rope tied around his neck. His body was rotting and emitting a pungent odor. It is known that Fitri died more than three days ago. Meanwhile, in the yard of the house, his Honda Beat motorbike was still parked.

Meanwhile, until this news was published, personnel from the Talang Empat Police and the Inafis team had evacuated the body and taken the body to a residence in Bengkulu City. Fitri's house has been installed with a police line. (ZA) Perempuan-asal-kota-bengkulu-didapat-hang-diri-di-bengkulu-tengah

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8,119 views May 8, 2024

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Saysumptin The Boss 30,976 points
What a stinker
+1 vote
May 8, 2024
ificouldfly Well-Known 926 points
Zavalli kadin kimse aramadi bile belki
0 votes
May 8, 2024
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,470 points
Do none of these cunts have a sense of smell?
0 votes
May 9, 2024
ReligiousMan Overlord 5,162 points
From having a shitty house to having a shitty odor.

RIP Bloated Girl, respect.
+1 vote
May 9, 2024
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,107 points
my fuck doll looks like that
0 votes
May 11, 2024
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points