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Vitaly and Bradley Martin caught 1996 Space Jam producer and writer Herschel Weingrod trying to meet up with a 15yo girl
8,620 views May 8, 2024

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llightaomine Experienced 289 points
why is your daughter in the fucking dating site these white male cunts cant even discipline their fucking daughter
+8 votes
May 8, 2024
afrikanachr Well-Known 826 points
its an adult pretending to be an underaged girl, using an underaged girl for this would be a pedophile act on its own.
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,011 points
Multiple issues with these douche bags. He’s an old cripple, what the fuck is he going to do, he probably can’t get a hard on. And then buff douche bag lets his daughter who is 15 dress up and look like an adult to go on a date so he can act like a badass to a man he could crush?!? These guys are jokes, just call the police and let them handle it if you already had everything set up. Instead you want to torment him and let him get away. Real smart retards
+7 votes
May 8, 2024
RedNeckHawaiian The Boss 25,011 points
Now I’m not siding or sticking up for pedos by any means, kill them all, but when your going after one to just make a spectacle and try to harass him, your fucking stupid and seeking attention yourself. Either get his ass arrested or lure the pedo where there is no cell service and off the fucker and save us some tax dollars!
Bfotv Advanced 2,633 points
to make more views
richyhawk Well-Known 787 points
Wait till muslce-meathead gets that old. He'll probably be doing the same thing.
+6 votes
May 8, 2024
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
He is a steriod user who attempted to rape a woman but failed, he also gets nudes off barely teenage girls too
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,747 points
The comments are so funny
+2 votes
May 8, 2024
Nollyx97 Intermediate 1,093 points
These muscular cunts acting all tough and shit. I would love to see them get lit the fuck up!
+3 votes
May 8, 2024
Manc Experienced 412 points
The girl is a whore and these roided manginas need to die.
+4 votes
May 8, 2024
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Vitaly is a known pedo who has just jumped on this craze to get some passive fame, somebody else who he set up got attacked so its likely that he will be prevented from filming in the state in the future
+4 votes
May 8, 2024
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,150 points
he have the look too and im pretty sure hes having a tiny dick
Diana Experienced 253 points
Dirty old man trying to nail underage daughter "shake my hand." LOL
+4 votes
May 8, 2024
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Nobody would care if it was a woman trying to meet a boy
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
two wrongs dont make a right bro. Stop using the logic of the people u disagree with, unless you don't actually disagree. If a grown women was meeting a boy, that would also be wrong and people should care, especially other men. If a grown person was trying to groom/sexualise my kids regardless of their gender, they would just be a fucked up pedo/groomer
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
People SHOULD care but they don't. If its okay for women then its okay for men too, I will stop using this logic once they stop giving women a free pass (so in other words - never)
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
that's the thing, you clearly don't actually agree with that. Be a man and stay consistent with your beliefs, unless you're willing to change your morals because of women, that's kinda weak... Deep down it seems that you WANT people to not care, in turn making you feel justified in doing the same. If tomorrow the whole world agreed that this stuff is paedophilic and wrong, I doubt you'd be pleased and suddenly change, being attracted to actual women/going after women instead of underaged girls. I think you want things to be as they are so you can justify your messed up kinks without feeling as bad, since you think others are being hypocritical, when in reality you're being just as hypocritical as them. Be better bro, do no let these people bring you down to their level, unless you actually want to be at their level to begin with, advocating paedophilia regardless of gender... If that's the case bro, you do you.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
What I want and believe is that the same level of shame and guilt cast upon male pedos should be exactly that to female pedos but since it isn't it goes to show that people aren't actually bothered about pedos but rather who they are and how they look. I don't see why men should feel such things while female pedophilia is shown in a positive attitude within movies, music videos and news article feedback. How can such a strong thing be so selective? I don't think it helps me justify anything because if I were female it would be seen that I have nothing to justify. Its confusing and I wish I never thought of it but an isolated life and lack of ability to talk openly about it leaves me with nothing but my own thoughts, as I scroll through articles about female teachers getting pregant by a child while on bail for raping another child

Mainstream music video of a little boy diddling himself to a woman who likes it
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
staying consistent will be the only way things will change, not by becoming a trans women in order to fight the system We need to be better than these fuckers who are ruining our society. Muslims, woke fucks etc all advocate this stuff and I will not let them bring me and my family down to their level. I don't think you have a problem with that music video but are trying to convince yourself that you do so you can justify your own weaknesses by blaming them. That's like these sluts justifying being sluts saying men are glorified in the media having sex with lots of women etc whilst women get shamed being whores etc. Both are whores and them using men to excuse their whoreness is simply a cop out. ALso who r the ones glorifying female pedo shit? It's mainly men and men calling each other gay for not wanting to fuck a hot teacher etc. Should we blame men? no. We should just stay consistent with our morals, or just admit we dont have any, which I feel is the case here .... Like niggers commit all these crimes no one does anything. By that logic should white people also commit crimes, no that would be retarded as we know better.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
I do have a problem with the video, its deemed fine as its a little boy with an adult woman yet if it was a little girl with an adult man everybody would be outraged and it would probably become legally classed as CP just like the Nirvana album cover with a naked baby is now classed as CP. I also am not trans and think you care too much about other cultures affecting you which really you can't do anything about as they are brought in by a government who sits out of domestic reach. Why do men never admit its a weakness to give female pedos a free pass? Most pedos admit to being weak. The people glorifying them can be found in the comment section of news articles about female pedos, go on Facebook and look at the comments when news agencies share these stories. Where was she when I was at school/ no trauma/ not a victim. You won't find the same on articles about men, just death threats
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
oh my bad I thought that was u in ur pic. Those men who glorify female pedo shit are just as weak and pathetic.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Nope its just a picture that I like, this is the person

I agree they are weak and they are also the same people who post death threats on articles about men, they wish it was them when a woman does it and they wish for murder if a man does similar, going to prove they aren't offended by pedos but rather just the male ones selectively. They think women can't be "real" pedos and anybody who they abuse is not a "real" victim. That is what gets to me. Why should I hide from the same people who would just make jokes if I were female. Why should adult sex from one gender be worthy of movies and music videos yet even the mere idea of a man doing similar is just unforgivable and worth being written off for life
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
stay strong brother
diedinjuly Veteran 11,490 points
a jew pedo... we need to reinstate the final solution kill all these subhuman jew dogs
+1 vote
May 9, 2024
sexismylife09 Intermediate 1,024 points
Nah, the father is an asshole and the daughter is a slut, chicks with 15yr are the biggest whores and the oldman know that shit
+3 votes
May 9, 2024
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,081 points
Someone do us a favour and wipe out Vitaly.  I'm willing to guess he himself is a molester.
+3 votes
May 9, 2024
NiggerMORTIS Well-Known 827 points
I heard Comet Ping Pong is the best place to get a pizza ass
+1 vote
May 10, 2024
leonuchiha1011 5 points
This probably wouldn’t happen if parents would stop letting their kids dress up and do there makeup like a slut. She literally looks 25, the fit the makeup, 15?! Ain’t no way. She’s probably been gone through 15 times by 15 different men in school that’s for damn sure. I say off them all.
+2 votes
May 10, 2024
Bfotv Advanced 2,633 points
let's go for the hijab
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,081 points
Don't worry; you'll have sex with a human one day...
sad1sta Advanced 2,821 points
she went out with him cause he told her he was 29
+3 votes
May 10, 2024
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,113 points
Big muscles dude would be surprised if that old man pulled out a gun and shot him dead right there on the spot. that'd be kinda funny
+4 votes
May 11, 2024
Bfotv Advanced 2,633 points
one tried to have a girl like that but it was the police who welcomed him
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,113 points
yeah I saw that.  those cops are damn lucky that dude was slow to react
Bfotv Advanced 2,633 points
I watched in slow motion and the guy tried to hide when he saw it was cops
BeReal Advanced 2,892 points
impotent gay vitaly. the name says it all. he's nothing but a ugly figure of fun and all about him is fake. pile of shit.
0 votes
Jun 7, 2024
ZackRock63 Intermediate 1,377 points
Trying to get enough points so i can upload videos
0 votes
Jun 23, 2024
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,150 points