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Muslim Migrants After Assaulting UK Police Officers

now this how mussies should be treated everywhere. that's the only language this subhuman trash understands.

well done, officers! keep up the good work!

5,357 views Jul 25, 2024

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Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Finally the UK police have learnt how to deal with abduls. Abduls don't understand the language of logic, peace, humanity. They seriously believe that other people's tolerance is weakness. They only understand the language of violence. Thats why they have bought genocide upon themselves in gaza.
+4 votes
Jul 25, 2024
JohnnieWalker Omega 17,495 points
The poor policeman must have thought the sand nigger's head was a ball and his impulse got the better of him, the Brits have football in their blood, they can't help it.
+3 votes
Jul 25, 2024 Experienced 251 points
Unfortunately, their numbers are increasing in Europe and they reproduce very quickly. That said, the cops will do the same to any White person who dares to oppose White replacement or speak out against non-European immigration. Cops are traitors in the service of anti-White governments.
+2 votes
Jul 25, 2024 Experienced 251 points
White Britons are a minority in the UK's two largest cities, new figures show - LBC
+2 votes
Jul 25, 2024 Experienced 251 points
Almost a third of new babies registered in England and Wales last year were born to foreign mothers, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on Thursday revealed.

A total of 605,479 live births were registered in the countries in 2022, a 3.1 percent drop from the previous year’s total of 624,828 and the lowest number since 2002.

Of the annual figure, 30.3 percent, or 183,309 births were to mothers born outside of the U.K., up from 179,726 in 2021.

The majority of foreign mothers originated outside of the European Union — 58,037 babies were born to EU-born mothers compared to 125,272 born to non-EU-born mothers.

India replaced Romania to become the most common country of birth for non-U.K.-born mothers for the first time since reporting began in 2003, the ONS revealed.

There were 17,745 live births registered to Indian-born mothers last year — up 16.3 percent in a year — followed by Pakistan, with Romania dropping to third.

Poland and Nigeria made up the top five, while Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Albania, the United States and Germany featured in the top 10. It is the first time that Afghanistan has made the top 10 most common countries of origin for foreign mothers in Britain.

More than a third of newborns in England were born to either a foreign-born mother or father, accounting for 36.7 percent of all births. This figure rose from the 35.1 percent recorded in 2021. In Wales, just 16.1 percent of newborns were registered to a foreign-born parent.

London was the region across England and Wales with the highest percentage of births where either one or both parents were born outside of the U.K. with 66.5 percent, up one percentage point over 2021.

The northwest London borough of Brent recorded the highest percentage of births to a foreign-born parent with 82.3 percent of all births, while Copeland, hidden away in the rural northwest English county of Cumbria recorded the smallest percentage at 6 percent.

UK: 1 in 3 newborns registered to foreign mothers last year
+3 votes
Jul 25, 2024 Experienced 251 points
(...) It’s also easy to prove that Jews have been central to the imposition of that curse on Britain. After mass migration from the Caribbean began, a predatory Jewish landlord Peter Rachman (1919-62) made big profits in London by renting bad housing at high prices to Blacks who were unpopular as tenants because of their criminality, noise, and anti-social behavior. Indeed, Rachman used violent and noisy Blacks to drive White tenants out of houses he wanted to buy or convert into flats. Decades after Rachman’s heyday, another money-hungry Jew, Alex Langsam, is making more big profits from more non-White invaders. Langsam, who has been nicknamed the “Asylum King,” owns the sardonically named Britannia Hotels, which was “the worst hotel chain for ten years running, according to a survey conducted by consumer group Which” and which rakes in millions from government contracts for housing so-called “asylum seekers” from the corrupt, diseased, and violent Third World.

Langsam’s father was a refugee from the Nazis and Langsam has said: “My father was the most nationalistic person I have ever come across. Britain saved his life and gave him a living and he instilled that in me. I am grateful for what this country has given me.” I bet he is: according to the Daily Mail, he is being given £100,000 a day for housing the next generation of Third-World criminals and tax-eaters. That’s Jewish “nationalism” in Britain; in Israel, Jewish nationalism takes the entirely opposite form of building high-tech fences to keep Third-World enrichers out. As Jews are well aware, Blacks are a curse on any Western nation that accepts them as residents. But that’s precisely why Jews are so determined to keep Blacks out of Israel and keep them flooding into America and Europe. Blacks are the most harmful, unintelligent, and unproductive of all groups. That is, they are the group that least resembles Whites and is most suitable for destroying White civilization.

Better for Blacks, worse for Whites

As a first step towards that tantalizing goal, the hostile Jewish elite worked to transform Blacks into the archetypal saintly victims of White oppression. Kevin MacDonald has documented how the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in America was organized and funded not by Blacks, but by Jews. In Britain, the Jewish lawyer Anthony Lester (1936-2020) boasted of how he used the tactics of his fellow Jews in America to begin taking freedom of speech and association away from Whites in Britain too:

[In Search of Something Better: Anthony Lester recalls the creation of the Commission for Racial Equality

In 1964, on my return from witnessing the “Long Hot Summer” of civil rights action in the American South, I helped found CARD (the Campaign Against Racial Discrimination). We campaigned for effective legislation to combat racism in Britain. The first measure — the Race Relations Act 1965 — was hopelessly narrow and lacked teeth, so we fought for something better. When CARD was taken over by militant extremists, in December 1967, Jim Rose [another Jewish lawyer] and I founded the Runnymede Trust to combat racial prejudice and promote policies for overcoming racial discrimination and disadvantage. Labour’s second measure, the Race Relations Act 1968, was broader in scope but still lacked teeth. So again we campaigned for something better. (Catalyst magazine, 20th November 2006)]

By “something better,” Lester meant “better for Blacks, worse for Whites.” He was praised in his Guardian obituary as “the author of the ground-breaking legislation on racial and gender equality introduced in Britain by Harold Wilson’s Labour government in the 1970s.” The “ground” he was “breaking” was British identity and nationhood. Jews are highly adept at using the mechanisms of White civilization — law, politics, academia, publishing, electronic media — to undermine White civilization. Another Jewish lawyer helped the “Windrush generation” (...)
+2 votes
Jul 25, 2024 Experienced 251 points
The ‘softening up’ of Ireland for the ongoing scheme of mass population replacement is set to gather pace following the appointment of Nigerian Ebun Joseph in the Orwellian role of “Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.” The stated aim of this plan is to “make Ireland a place in which the impacts of racism are fully acknowledged and actively addressed.” In other words, the goal of the plan is to brainwash the Irish population into a sense of White guilt, or as a recent article in The Spectator put it, “the Nigerian-born Special Rapporteur will deliver regular reports to the Irish government about how hideously white and racist Irish people are.” The national Plan Against Racism will begin a process where special rights and privileges are handed to foreigners while the Irish become second class citizens in their own land. The reason for the implementation of the plan, according to Shane O’Curry, Director of the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), is that “migrants in Ireland are reporting not feeling safe across the board in all areas of life.” Mr O’Curry does not appear to be concerned about the declining sense of safety among Irish women and children thanks to these same migrants, but I suspect that Mr O’Curry is on too high a salary, much of it provided by globalist NGOs, to concern himself with such matters. Nonetheless, as will be explained below, Ebun Joseph is merely the figurehead for something that has a distinctly Jewish complexion, because Ireland’s National Action Plan Against Racism has Jewish origins.

Alice Feldman and the Need for an “Anti-Racist Ireland”

Ebun Joseph is a direct protege of Jewish-American academic Alice Feldman, a sociologist at University College Dublin. It was Feldman who supervised Joseph’s PhD, and it was Feldman who groomed Joseph for her current role as the face of Irish ‘anti-racism’. Athough a whole host of Irish and ethnic minority names have been listed as authors of the “National Plan Against Racism,” even the briefest of research reveals that it was first conceived as far back as 2003 and that the author of a plan bearing this precise name was none other than Feldman herself — a draft document carrying that name is listed among her publications for 2003. According to Feldman’s own profile on the University College Dublin website, “Over the past two decades, I have worked in research, advisory and volunteer capacities with many civic, community and other organisations in Ireland involved in anti-racism, migration and interculturalism work.” In other words, like other Jews to be discussed in this essay, she has invested more than twenty years in opposing the interests of the native Irish. Feldman has also perfected the art of linguistic academic nonsense, once describing her work as drawing “on a trans disciplinary variety of traditions to cultivate and mobilise decolonial praxes that intervene in the global colonial legacies underpinning the current necropolitical moment.”

Looking into the relationship between Feldman and Joseph, it is clear that Feldman is quite the activist, though content to let the Nigerian be the public figure advancing her agenda. A description of one of their partnerships reads:

[UCD (University College Dublin) academics Dr. Ebun Joseph and Dr. Alice Feldman led a talk on Thursday 2nd July entitled “So What Next: Becoming Anti-Racist via Zoom.” … Joseph is a race relations consultant, Career Development Specialist and module coordinator for UCD’s Black Studies module. Feldman works in the UCD School of Sociology and is a convenor of the UCD MA Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies and Decolonial Dialogues Platform. The academics commented during the webinar that they already have a long working relationship. Joseph and Feldman focused on two topics: white fragility and anti-racism allyship. Feldman said she believed white fragility
+1 vote
Jul 25, 2024 Experienced 251 points
needed to be understood by white people so they can do the work of anti-racism allyship. … They discussed how when white people defensively deflect during conversations about race out of discomfort, or the fear that they are being attacked, they put the exhausting responsibility on people of colour to ensure that they feel comfortable and as a result, the conversation is closed. They both believe that if we cannot have open conversations about race and racism, we cannot change it. Joseph stressed that there are only racists and anti-racists; if someone defensively says they are not a racist, that merely means that they are a racist in denial. Joseph added that silent racists are in the majority whereas the loud, violent racists are in the minority. Feldman said that an anti-racist needs to accept that they live in a racist society and they should examine the way racism can be eradicated from the organisations they are a part of. … The academics would like there to be a compulsory anti-racism module in UCD because they feel we cannot expect to have an anti-racist society if we do not teach anti-racism.]

A 2020 article for Gript rightly pointed out that

[the ideology of Doctors Joseph and Feldman, which is corrupting the Irish academy as it has corrupted the universities of other western democracies, is Critical Race Theory. This theory, whatever about those who espouse it, can be used as perniciously as the spurious race theories that have gone before it. It is racialism directed against white people: no more nor no less. Its methods are the boots and petrol bombs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter allied to a craven intellectual capitulation on the part of the deracinated bourgeois liberals and lefties who control much of the institutions where the poison is disseminated.]

Laura Weinstein and the Dangers of “Irish Inbreeding”

Feldman is not the first American Jew to arrive on Irish shores and start telling the Irish they have no ethnic interests. Back in 2019, Laura Weinstein, a New York PhD living in Ireland and claiming to be an expert in Irish history and culture waded into Ireland’s growing immigration debate. Of all the aspects of Irish history and culture Weinstein could have chosen to focus on, she decided she was most interested, like Feldman and others, in the “myth” of a homogeneous Irish identity and “right wing Irish nationalism.”

Weinstein employed her Twitter account to the trolling of Irish political figures opposed to mass immigration. In one example she responded to a post by the National Party by implying that Irish opposition to immigration would leave the Irish like “neurotic” “inbred” “dogs.” She wrote: “Gene flow as a result of immigration prevents the negative impact of inbreeding. But, go ahead and constrain migration and gene flow if you want to create a race of humans that reflects the neuroticism of “pure bred” dogs. Just be sure to hold a referendum on inbreeding first.” Not only was Weinstein’s fixation exceedingly strange and unsettling, it was also fanciful. Genetic studies have shown the Irish already possess a diverse gene pool in the form of genetic clusters of Scandinavian, Norman-French, British, and Iberian origin. This is a considerably wider gene pool than that of Dr Weinstein’s Ashkenazi Jews, who are descended from a single group of 350 people. It will come as no surprise to readers of this website that Weinstein is acutely concerned about the preservation of her own people, and is listed by Algemeiner as “an antisemitism analyst at the ADL.” “Inbreeding” for me, but apparently not for thee.

Ronit Lentin’s Deconstruction of the Irish

As well as being a direct protege of Alice Feldman, Ebun Joseph is the ideological child of Ronit Lentin, the Israeli Jew who in 1997 established Ireland’s first “Ethnic and Racial Studies” programme, and thereby ushered in the arrival of Critical Race Theory in Ireland. Lentin was also a colleague and collaborator with Alice Feldman (...)
Nollyx97 Intermediate 1,093 points
Islam invasion in plain sight. A lot of Muslims coming to Europe and multiply rapidly holy fuck!
+1 vote
Jul 25, 2024
psychopathcentral Beginner 215 points
Ginger weak bitch should get another job
0 votes
Jul 26, 2024
Humachine Overlord 5,077 points
@psychopathcentral That pos is misbehaving, what do you expect the cop to do? Be compassionate and talk sweet? GTFOH
Wendingo CEO 63,449 points
Good! Kill them all.
+1 vote
Jul 27, 2024
FKmohamed Experienced 289 points
should've stomped his head through the floor and same with the rest of these subhuman sandniggers
+1 vote
Aug 4, 2024