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Pajeeta crying for a Pajeet who completed his lifecycle
Pajeet happens
7,366 views Oct 5, 2024

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chancho The Boss 28,832 points
it's the circle of poop
and it takes us all
0 votes
Oct 5, 2024
saso4336 60 points
Still better than usa poop porn
n0t_a_murd3rer 0 points
saso4336 Keep your mouth shut hindu pajeet nigger before we nuke India and blow all your heads up.
andy_baba Addicted 1,735 points
She will miss the family rides together
0 votes
Oct 5, 2024
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
She will miss eating his warm tasty pajeet nigger turds
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@Dobryy69 Stupid pink pig whore seed . I have only seen u pigskins eat shit LMAO. Both in porn and real life.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
@Shiva Haha in real life? Talk about yourself shitskin pajeet nigger turd n piss muncher/worshipper, you pajeets lindus stink so much and love bathing with diarrhea mixed with piss, man up and stick up to your traditions pajeet!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
LMAO dear pigskin, just search it up "eating shit" in any site be it porn or just normal google search. Its always u pigskins that show up. U pigskins have millions videos of turd bathing and turd eating and u project just 1-2 video of indian degenerates doing that. There is literally a whole genre of porn of u subhuman pigs eating and rubbing shit. U gross animals. Hahaha cope is too real.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
Well I'm a croat I do not associate myself with americunts or other western european countries cause they fall on the same scale of degeneracy as you pajeet scat porn inventors, scat porn originated in indian then taught to trash whites that live in the west, I'm a white slav not a racially biscuit mixed westoid unpure europnigger that likes to mix with shit diarrhea loving pajeets like you, so yeah insult them as you wish silly retarded turd cock enjoyer, they're the same as you but with white skin, I do not even consider them whites just like hitler viewed jews
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Big fat cope whore son. And btw i was looking for that word i didn't know it. U know it right. What was it .... "scat porn". Look how well u know it. U must have seen ur mum doing that to her onlyfans content.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Look i found ur whore mum's onlyfans content

"Me so aryann, me so slavic, me so orthodogshit mann cmon mann"

#ff0000ˢᵀᵁᴾᴵᴰ ᴺ!ᴳᴳᴱᴿ Famous 3,448 points
Awesome fight!!! @Dobryy69 vs @Shiva
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
Haha looks more indian than white, silly pajeet nigger ape poop lover, that ain't a white female, probably a gypsy romanian nigger, or an a pajeet ape negro which is your mother who gave birth to such a nasty filth enjoyer like you
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Cmon mann thats ur superior aryan slavic orthodox mother mann. U can't disown her like that mann. Afterall she is trying to earn to keep ur family business running mann. Cmon mann never be ashamaed to show off ur orthodogshit kulcha mann.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
Lmao you're the most sped up retard I've seen on this website, you're accusing me of the things you actually do and the whole world knows you for those things specifically but I'm not surprised that a typical pajeet would be ashamed of his own culture, hey don't worry this is the internet you can admit anything without real life judgement so go ahead and say how much your enjoy to shit swap your poop with your mother giving her your shit and injecting it inside her anus, it is holy for you and you absolutely like it but you can't admit it to the white man since you know we do not appreciate your filthy culture
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Orthodogshit whoregin marry kulchua followed by 100% of europeans/americans >>>>>>> one shit eating degenerate tribal indian nigger. Modesty and purity in terms of physical and mental state are core of dharmic religions.

saso4336 60 points
so true y this dudes won't get caught in usa mass killings and die weight for nation and economy and world weighed  of useless
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
There you go I see you really like that picture, jack off to it as well use turds of your pajeet nigger mother as a lubricant
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
I m not a orthodogshit albino nigger to follow ur turd culture.
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,469 points
I'm genuinely laughing right now, you're literally watching scat porn to prove a point on the internet. it just shows how lifeless and downbad pajeet turd lovers are
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Nice cope albino nigger. But u won't be able to get that inferior feeling out of u no matter how u cope. Literal shit eating and shit smearing race of subhumans cannot call others turd lovers when their living depends on how much shit their mum eats on camera. Just 2 dollars for ur whore pigskins to show off ur orthodogshit culture to the world lol. Ur subhumans. Cmon mann aryan white pride mann accept it mann
#ff0000ˢᵀᵁᴾᴵᴰ ᴺ!ᴳᴳᴱᴿ Famous 3,448 points
love it!! Keep it up the trash talking!!
n0t_a_murd3rer 0 points
@Shiva wow!! The cow worshiper pajeet is really tough!! Let's see if you can pull up on us white folks and act that savage lil nigger. I have no less than 2 guns that will make your shit stained brain pop off your head. Meet me at 1000 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas 78701.
Saysumptin The Boss 31,971 points
Looks like skid chicken on the road
0 votes
Oct 5, 2024
ibrhemheeh24 Advanced 2,569 points
"The love of today is the food of tomorrow" -Pajeeta said after eating her pajsbund's corpse
0 votes
Oct 5, 2024
borogue Experienced 437 points
Wendingo is a genius.
God damn it.
Pajeet completed his life cycle! What a word.ROFL
0 votes
Oct 5, 2024
cacao Famous 3,932 points
pejetilla, you seat on brain
0 votes
Oct 5, 2024
#ff0000ˢᵀᵁᴾᴵᴰ ᴺ!ᴳᴳᴱᴿ Famous 3,448 points
We will miss you pajeet rip
0 votes
Oct 6, 2024