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Russian soldiers continue to destroy Ukrainians in the forest areas of Petrovka.
1,501 views Nov 21, 2024

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stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
Ukraine sucks at life
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Nov 24, 2024
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
You must suck at life or is just plain retarded. Over 1000 days in this war stupid. Pretty Pathedic it take that long for mighty Russia to accomplish nothing but worst stats in military history lmao. You sound like a jealous faggot
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
fucking America spent 20 years in both Vietnam and Afghanistan along with Iraq you stupid dumb motherfucker
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
strongest military can't take a shitty jungle or desert you lost every war in the past 100 years Russia bailed you out of WW2
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
who is the stupid dump motherfucker? What the fuck is your point retard? We were never talking about America! Ohh I see you suck so bad at arguing that you look for any desperate angle bahaha really trying to make Russia look good lmao.. so you bring up the past? That was no better, they lost more solders than anyone in the war
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
Americans suck at war multiple 2 decade wars and nothings to show for except dept
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Lmao!!! Nothing to say about Russia now? Or Ukraine? Just cry about America. What a fag
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
hey fag look in the mirror and admit your country sucks major ass you don't want to go toe to toe with Russia you would get your shit caved in
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
your a fucking joke, just like
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
then why is NATO cowarding and not directly in Ukraine?
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Why does nato need to be in it? They seem to be doing fine on their own. North Korea is the answer for Russia, Iran and china will be next, fucking moron
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
NATO made a deal with Ukraine give up their nukes for NATO protection so much for that
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
You making shit up again? I can’t reason with straight up retarded
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
"In January 1994, the U.S., Russia and Ukraine issued an historic Trilateral Statement that promised security assurances to Ukraine once the START I Treaty entered into force and Ukraine became a non-nuclear weapons state and a party to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty."
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
Dumb nigger dumb nigger dumb nigger...............
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Hmm weird you said USA and Russia.. yet Ukraine never made, sought after or kept any nuclear weapons. Moscow left them there after the collapse of the USSR you fucking retarded faggot. You really are a cry baby jealous bitch looking for any excuse to blame America and Ukraine for Russia’s Pathedic aggression
stuffymcgeeyourmom 73 points
America causes all wars most are even false flag operations you clown
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Spoken like a true brainwashed Russian.
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points