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Man beats the shit out of a Roe Deer
Beat the shit out of that as it owed him money
9,019 views Jan 13, 2022

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Deadpool Experienced 291 points
He say he run over 3rd goat. And smashing his face in. Probably goat was hurt so he finishes his suffering, but i have no idea why he is so hapy, retard russian fuck
0 votes
Jan 13, 2022
Probably? No, he wanted the deer to suffer. Why else would he beat it with his fists and then an iron tool? Not very smart guy I see. lol
Idiota 31 points
hdp más de que se ríe
+1 vote
Jan 14, 2022
BigButt Well-Known 927 points
Lol, I've seen better animatronics at Chucky Cheese!  How could anyone believe that was a real deer?
–2 votes
Jan 14, 2022
Cheeki Breeki Well-Known 941 points
Beat it harder cyka ahhhhahahaha
0 votes
Jan 14, 2022
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,188 points
This is what inbred republicans do for a hobby - killing and hurting animals - because they’re untalented little faggots who don’t have an athletic or talented bone in their bodies to take up a real hobby
+1 vote
Jan 14, 2022
I'm not a republican and I'm fine with traditional hunting but poaching is inexcuseable. If you kill an animal just for fun because you don't like them, you should be executed yourself. I'm looking at YOU, Marco Scotti and Jesse Wales! Fuck those assholes. They're both far-left Stalinist militant atheist nihilists btw.
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,188 points
Shut the Fuck up retard
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
Ok, whatever you say, Scotti or Wales.
Our primitive ancestors used to hunt with their bare hands, and our close relatives in the great ape family still do.
+2 votes
Jan 14, 2022
UwU-Apartments Experienced 434 points
that's lame, and boring
0 votes
Oct 15, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
Real Bambi's death
0 votes
Dec 11, 2022
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
The animal-hating piece of shit known only as mutagh56 on DeviantArt must be very happy. He can go to hell for his poaching crimes.
0 votes
Dec 4, 2023
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,478 points