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@Dobryy69 fag at birth
.. .. ..
5,336 views Feb 25

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GREYGOD Experienced 302 points
wtf is that thing?
+1 vote
Feb 25
NSDAP Hacker 87,396 points
@Dobryy69 fag at birth ..
Dobryy69 Natural Addict 8,523 points
That's what you get if you breed with @NSDAP
NSDAP Hacker 87,396 points
Fuck off jew lover ..
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Lol looks like those aliens from star wars (No, I'm not a fan)
+2 votes
Feb 25
ThirdWave 54 points
I goon to your pfp
(Safe space btw)
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Sorry I'm a certified retard, what does 'goon' mean?
GREYGOD Experienced 302 points
Means he’s yanking his noodle
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Ahh, sounds lame honestly. Spank the monkey sounds funnier, or just saying jacking/jacked off
Ivy Extreme Poster 551 points
Your chin looks like a butt
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Lol that's a white man's feature btw. But let me see how you look tho..?
Ivy Extreme Poster 551 points
Too cute to show my face on a site like this sorry not sorry
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
Whole bunch of cowards lol. "too pretty to show on a site like this" LMAOOO
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
And yes of course "goon" suck as term, it was invented by the fucking zoomer human demonic scum.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
I thought the same thing. But is it a dude or a chick, do you know? I'm pretty sure it's a guy.. but most guys don't use the term 'cute' so I'm perplexed.

Ahh, zoomer, sounds right. Honestly, I hate most of Gen Z's slang. But calling someone an NPC is fucking gold
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
Yeah i agree. And i think it's a whore because most men wouldn't call themselves cute like you say unless fags.
Ivy Extreme Poster 551 points
you mouthbreathers look way too into things take a hint of sarcasm without mentally imploding for once please. I do be handsome if I do say so myself and mom agrees.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
Imploding? i am literally so chill
Ivy Extreme Poster 551 points
Just put young Johnny Depp's face on a slim 6'4 frame and try to tell me that doesn't sound cute
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
If that were true you'd be in Hollywood right now taking the casting couch getting dicked by multiple men, not on this website hun
Ivy Extreme Poster 551 points
what is it with you amerimutts and just going straight to gay shit? Genuinely don't get you sexually repressed degens. I'd rather pull out my veins with my teeth than live in Jewwood also.
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
I wish i was white!!

0 votes
Feb 25
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
ofc you wish, you ruski nigger
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
Says the Mexican beaner fucker. You disgusting racemixing piece of shit. You have 0 standards. That’s why you're flirting with a beaner on a gore website bc nobody else wants to suck your italian nigger dick. You don’t have many options like i do, desperate ass. You brown Italians are the closest thing to niggers & beaners + your ugly ghetto language is just like Spanish. Take your fucking meds.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
I ain't from the south and before we fought you even said that if i wasn't from the south then i was fine, this proves you are saying nonsense shit just to fight, lol. Also, i never flirted with her. I was just being nice to a rare, traditional woman, which is something you rarely see.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Tachanka you little shit, you act as if BK and I are going to see each other one day and run away to Tahiti together lmaooo. Quit being a douche, I'm nice to every guy on here.. besides Saysumptin ngl. But I told your ass before I would never be with a white boy, I love my race and people. Regardless of the ethnicity, I'm not a racist and I'm one of the few females who actually care about men and their struggles unlike most modern women nowadays. You can treat me like shit all you want but I can guarantee you that I would actually love/respect/appreciate/fight/die for you more than your own women. Most women would never fight nor put themselves in danger to protect their man or even children, I actually would. So stick to your Russian women, treat them well, protect them, and quit talking shit And BK, NSDAP and I are just friends. I hope I am yours too??
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
@Bacon I still ask myself sometimes if you’re real or not.. bro shut the fuck up. You’re acting like she’s Belle Delphine or someshit. Calling Russians niggers while flirting with a MEXICAN. She’d take two cocks in both of her holes, tf you mean traditional.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Lmao Belle Delphine only looks hot with 50 pounds of makeup, like most white women. I've seen pictures of her without makeup, she looks like a super average white girl. If she were in Cali she would have to get a tan and surgery to keep up with beautiful Latinas, Asians, Blacks, and actual pretty white girls here etc. Lol I'm not a slut unlike most modern women, if I wasn't sexually assaulted as a kid then I would be a virgin. Plus, I'm religious and modest, so already I'm at the top

Pluuuuus, Belle Delphine has no boobs or ass, I have both C-cup tits with an hourglass figure and a nice plump booty with thick thighs cause that's the Latina package
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Plus she's a whore.. not really something to be boasting about... Lmaooo
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
Well i am not going to comment about the white women part, but... i ask myself. @BrownShitSkinNigger how in the fuck did i ever flirt with her? being nice is not flirting?! really, tell me how did i flirt. We even contacted each other on discord some weeks ago, with all the privacy i could have possibly needed to have, we just wished good weekends to each other, discussed religion and shared music. But it's okay if your russian ass doesn't understand something like that, i know y'all are only good at wanting to fuck H24 and beat your women after drinking liters of comrade vodka. Shut the fuck up no one is flirting here, your words make no sense, i am an asshole with 95% of users on this site specially women and there's proof of it. I am nice with her only because she is a traditional woman, and no, the fact that she is so submissive like a woman should be does not mean she wants to be a whore. Nothing wrong with being a woman and wanting a huge dick in your ass.
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
You & all the other girls you described attract beaners & niggers. Trans looking drag queen gutter bunnies. Any girl who looks like Belle attracts white men. Even niggers & beaners would fuck her, but girls like her only want white cock, that’s why they could only obtain ghetto brown Asian, latin & blacks nobody else wants. She’s so naturally perfect with & without makeup, like most white girls with pale skin & hazel eyes. I’m sorry but if you went to Europe, Russia, or Asia nobody would look your way. Our beauty standards are basically anyone foxy & skinny like her. If you’re any bigger than her size you’re unhealthy overweight. Her ass & tits are the perfect amount. Only brownies & blackies like big bitches. Seriously, look at you & look at her. She looks like a little baby doll. White men don’t want you. You’ll claim they do but you never left America. Any desperate pathetic white man who would go for you are the absolute bottom of the barrel. You sound so bitter & jealous.

Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
"She looks like a little baby doll" = Pedophile lmao You remind me of those Asians who only crave their women looking like little girls and shit . That's alright, if I'm too much of a real woman for you to handle it's cool, I understand. Later Tachanka^^
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
Sorry the truth doesn’t fit your narrative. You’ll always be a nigger/beaner magnet. Keep dreaming about Russian cock. And seeking online validation/approval from the ugly inferior whites.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
No one wants them anorexic fucking whores buddy.
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
Girls like you??? Fuucckkk I even ask myself if you’re real sometimes LMAOOOOAOO. She’s a fucking average fat ugly brown beaner you stupid nigger. Go outside, i promise you’ll find real sexy white/asian girls. A million times prettier. You couldn’t pull them anyway. You don’t get laid very often do you.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
You have the most horrific hikikomori looking ass fucking animecuck profile picture and tell ME i don't get laid often? Shit yeah i did not get laid still but neither you did, and as i already said, no one wants them fucking anorexic dolls you sent, for fuck's sake i rather dig a hole in the ground and fuck that, but then i wonder to myself why am i even bothering to answer to someone like you and discuss this bullshit, you are so stupid, ignorant and pathetic that all you can think about is women and sex all the fucking time. How much of an incel are you? dude find something better to do
BrownShitSkinNigger Extreme Poster 746 points
Me find something better to do? You replied to my comment first calling me a nigger, you dumb bitch. So i went to your wall comments & discovered you were more of a retard than i thought. Jerking off to beaners of course. I knew it.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
Are you schizophrenic? for the third time, how did i flirt?
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,284 points
Lmao "dig a hole in the ground and fuck that" good one. BK104 ignore him, he's retarded and Russian. Just give him some vodka so he'll get drunk and go beat his slutty, anorexic, 13-year-old Onlyfans girlfriends. *Sips tea.*
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
LMAOOOOO true, i forgot about it.
DegenKat Extreme Poster 534 points
Hey, I made that in Spore when I was kid
0 votes
6 days ago
TheHound Natural Addict 7,165 points
Holy shit.  His mom fucked a carp.
0 votes
6 days ago
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,350 points
Wtf is this bullshit, this is fucking disturbing, but anyways, LOLLLLLLL
+1 vote
6 days ago
NSDAP Hacker 87,396 points