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Another Ukrainian jet shot down by Russian forces

Russo-Ukrainian war 2022

Let's go Putin!!!

15,840 views Feb 25, 2022

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Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Crazy, Russia will win tho
+6 votes
Feb 25, 2022
The only one who will win this war is Biden. Everyone is forgetting about his Burisma corruption and probably the real root cause of this conflict, a chance for his party to burn the evidence in the chaos..
AnimeEnjoyer Beginner 241 points
Biden is useless president, he can't think anything by himself. everytime he does a speech or talks it's from papers that is wrote by other people, if he would talk by himself he wouldn't know what to say or what to even do, his like a npc. trump was way better president
rejectMonkey Intermediate 1,370 points
vs regular army of Ukraine - YES. This comes as no surprise
in terms of their long therm geopolitical plans, NO.
OBrasileiro Addicted 1,705 points
Sorry but Biden won't win anything or do anything about it, he is way too soft and liberal he can't rule and manage military operations.
BahTheSheep Experienced 315 points
I think Biden is definitely better than Trump but fkn useless…. We should be over there helping the Ukrainian people. The US can waste millions in the Middle East, accomplished absolutely nothing, yet sit by and watch this shit? Pisses me all the way the fuck off
mccouly 18 points
That's very good...
OBrasileiro Addicted 1,705 points
I know Biden is a good president ruling over the United States but when it comes to suppressing and attacking other he won't do it
ZyzzsKvnt Addicted 1,593 points
We need to revive My Führer heil hitler guys, hope Nazi Germany (Third Reich) will comeback
and destroy russia!
+5 votes
Feb 25, 2022
RageStir Experienced 271 points
Lol you must not study anything
Clinixy Extreme Poster 532 points
Just gotta invade in the summer lol
Hitler was against commies and his biggest mistake was to be also against Russians.

And to destroy economic is also stupid idea. Better to secure it to get control over it for profit.
But most of Russian economic is already under western control. That means it would be really bad idea to destroy it.

BTW. Volume of destruction is probably from an drone than from jet.
sharkme Advanced 2,897 points
Yah but Hitler also had something with the Jews tho
Absolutely fucking fascinating, five different points of view.  Yet, only one person.  How concerning
mccouly 18 points
Ukrainians have already revived...To our happiness, Russia is here...
BahTheSheep Experienced 315 points
+3 votes
Feb 27, 2022
mccouly 18 points
You really are such a huge idiot...?
Brutal as hell.
+1 vote
Jun 15, 2023
Only time will tell
+2 votes
Jul 2, 2023
khzx117 Experienced 280 points
Fuck Fuckraine
0 votes
Jul 22, 2024
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,483 points