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+61 votes


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Guy pushes girl


237,522 views Mar 20, 2022

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rawdawg Natural Addict 8,909 points
Listen, Luka... Just a friendly note of interest: Your "Hi" description for your posts are way too elaborate, detailed and heavy on informational background.  Please when time permits could consider the slight chance to make them more vague and ambiguous.  Thanks.  Luv your posts bro..
+43 votes
Mar 20, 2022
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
They were pretty “Hi” though …
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Thanks dude haha
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
I was pretty high last night. I just want my curtains to start talking to me again. If they dance with the candy canes and the naked garden gnomes have another orgy, that's just a bonus.
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
Lol, you need to take it easy on the black tar heroine there my dude…
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
That was acid and mushrooms, @Egg. Not black tar. I only do black tar on holidays like Easter or President's Day.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Fuck that was funny
chancho The Boss 28,832 points
lol... wasted
+30 votes
Mar 20, 2022
+20 votes
Mar 20, 2022
Kellwig Omega 17,409 points
I am so confused
Sillygoober Addicted 1,605 points
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,796 points
+27 votes
Mar 20, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Don’t comment on my videos this is a NO NIGGER ZONE
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
it was a nigger/spic who pushed her you fag! They get so much pussy and cuck our women that they dont care. If it was a white guy, he'd simp after her and be a gentlemen!
KKKlover666 Intermediate 1,181 points
this is a no nigger zone
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
FkDTrump Well-Known 989 points
No niggers here get OuT you stinky fuk
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,796 points
white trash
Sorcerer King Addicted 1,734 points
@LukaMagnotta thats fair
TheNamedKing 4 points
They aren't stupid at all, but if you are still a virgin at the age of 30 I'd advise you to turn gay because obviously you're mad at women for not finding you attractive it's depressing
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Hand was white white,guy was white;period. Doesn't matter where he came from..go back to school.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Oh yeah, this is the klan zone, I thought it was a gore site; my bad dude. Get a live and stop obessiing on niggers; there is more to life.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Oh yeah, this is the klan zone, I thought it was a gore site; my bad dude. Get a live and stop obessiing on niggers; there is more to life buddy.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Oh yeah, this is the klan zone, I thought it was a gore site; my bad dude. Get a live and stop obessiing on niggers; whoever you are you are cowering behind your keyboard with your brave talk; try it at your work place coward.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,577 points
One less whore in the world. Now the guy should throw himself over the cliff.
+23 votes
Mar 20, 2022
THE NAMELESS VILLAIN Extreme Poster 595 points
its really tough to live with borderline personality disorder and other personality disorder damn bitches ruined my mental health from childhood fucking women trash affected almost my whole life i want every women to be killed
+27 votes
Mar 20, 2022
LulzyEmpath Experienced 498 points
Incel faggot (:
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
you sound pathetic but at the same time have a point. These whores only want nigger dick and niggers, cos they're more masculine and bigger than us, whilst too many of white nerdy/skinny men and boys become angry against society, wasting their time on crappy websites or on video games. Not all women are bad, that's incel thinking. You're making us look bad, I swear these incels are always white dudes whilst these Niggers laugh at us whilst fucking our women!!!
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
oh wait you're pakistani? Yeah fuck off you paki incel mussy XDXD Muslims are all incels, angry at women and thinking they're the root of all men's problems. Muslims think hell is mainly women cos women won't listen to them.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
bro most of pakis are INBRED!!!! You can literally google it... The majority of the Islam world, especially PAKIstan, are inbred. Inbreeding causes genetic and mental problems, meaning rage problems and general mental frustration. It's not women's fault, it's your pakiness that's at fault. I genuinely feel for you.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
hating them is letting them win bro. Dont blame them or hate them for your life cos if that's what these cunts want, then you're just letting them win. Just smile at them and show them they have no control over how you think or act, just try to be happy mate. Think about it like this, you can easily blame men as much as you can blame women, but then you'd just be hating on everyone. There's no point bro. It's okay to hate niggers though cos they take our women!
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
dont kill yourself man, thats weak shit. Killing yourself now will just mean you'll never get to see it get better. It cant get any worse right? And even if it does, who cares cos you've already had practice dealing with shit, just deal with it a bit more because eventually that moment of joy you'll eventually have will make it all worth it, im sure of it. Just stop being Muslim and you'll start to hate women less. That Muslim shit is inherently going to make you hate women and feel like they owe you. because in Islam it says women should be obedient to their husbands and that they must follow their husband's orders, and apparently Hell is mostly filled with women who made their husbands mad or were disobedient XDXD That way of thinking is gonna make any man mad especially how modern/ western women act nowadays.
PsychoHebrewRemover卐 Famous 3,624 points
Broh look myself i've been to different incel and looksmax sites just to larp or do anti-semitic content without repercussions but from what i understand broh the only thing that matters is not the face or height but just do steroids, peddle drugs and be a nigga with a big dick in everything while supported by mr goldstein broh it only counts being a low IQ nigga and rapping shit randomly don't worry become a monkey with a hasidic master and everything will work out and you can fuck even super supermodels. Just be a fucking nigger and open an account on a jewish porn site
We are not taking your women. If you honestly think that then you don't focus on yourself at all. All you racist mf do is hate. Keyword: Hate. You wonder why you can't pull any bitches? It's because you're another slug added to this world and they know you're a bitch.
Rex Black Intermediate 1,339 points
Borderline personality disorder is what Amber Heard was diagnosed with and she's a crazy bitch. everyone with BPD is different.. but considering what Johnny Depp endured while living with amber heard, it does seem living with someone with that diagnosis can be brutal.. I'm sorry you also struggled to live with someone with BPD .. not easy I'm sure.
Rehehe27 16 points
It’s clear that you love it up the rectum anyway so idk why you’re so pressed over having your non existent bitches taken
LulzyEmpath Experienced 498 points
So you have a hot chick with her pussy nearly exposed, and rather than trying to make out or whatever you throw her off a bridge? That's failing a fag litmus test for sure. Fucking gay ass queer homo....on top of being a nigger....faggots and niggers need to get sent to Mexico to get skinned alive by cartels lol
+26 votes
Mar 20, 2022
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
that's the thing with these spics and niggers, they get so much pussy that they aren't even phased anymore, taking and cucking our women. If there was a white guy there, he'd simp after her straight away and try to fuck her.
XxKitKatxX Beginner 119 points
Man white guys are yummy but some of yall are crazy unfortunately I broke up with my boyfriend a few hours ago ... his response  "if we're over we die together I'll come over and shoot you in the back of the head then kill myself "    my response " Please  Record it and have someone immortalize us on Live Gore .Com "
TheNamedKing 4 points
You all are dumb as hell, that's clearly a drunk American truck driver. It's easy to tell by his voice and his hand being tan as shit, yet from your fried brain you think it's a black person. I would like to see more effort of you trying to make us look bad without you looking like a dumbass.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
That never happened kitkat
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,395 points
we dont have to try XDXDXDXD niggers are good enough at making themselves look bad on thier own XDXDXD We don't even have to lift a finger. Niggers gonna Nig
TheNamedKing 4 points
True but that only applies to them who throw their lives away
KKKlover666 Intermediate 1,181 points
any info due to why he pushed her off the bridge?
+22 votes
Mar 20, 2022
FkDTrump Well-Known 989 points
That thing is a nigger what would you expect
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Dumb as fuck dude ;the hand was white.Can you get over your nigger addiction?
shit on cock Veteran 11,084 points
getting shit on cock from crackhead whitetrash whores and kill them after... what better a nigger can ask ????
+22 votes
Mar 20, 2022
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,844 points
One less cunt. Ha ha ha
+23 votes
Mar 20, 2022
All white women must see this to know what niggas do to them and what black monkeys really are.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
The hand was white and no matter how ymuch you are fixated on niggers that is a fact.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
She wasn't too high to fly yet
+14 votes
Mar 22, 2022
GoGo123 Beginner 118 points
This is a really old video..Is there any info on this at all? I remember trying to check a while ago but came up w/nothing. Clearly a black doing what blacks do best, mayhem & murder.
+17 votes
May 2, 2022
TheHound Natural Addict 7,165 points
This is an old video, but he sounds like a white American.  Her accent seems American as well.   She looks like a hooker, so probably no one cared enough to take a close look into her death.   :Like you, I want that fucker to face justice, but I think he is going to get away with it, at least this time.
TheNamedKing 4 points
What we do best is taking your bitches
GoGo123 Beginner 118 points
You take the scum.. Thank you.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
It was a white dude fucker; doesn't matter where he was from. You people are so blindly obsessed with niggers you can think of nothing else.
bitchcuntWhitedevil 0 points
Oh, you could never have this White girl. I'd never fuck a black man. Nasty.
Tanel Advanced 2,341 points
That dude sounded like a fucking degenerate. Drugs do turn you into a degenerate though. That's a fact. And this vid is fake.
+22 votes
May 2, 2022
TheHound Natural Addict 7,165 points
Murderers videoing their crimes and uploading them to the internet at least makes them easier to catch.
GoreWatcher Intermediate 1,203 points
i read that she was pushed into water and is absolutely fine… was a prank on her
+19 votes
May 2, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
I can't find anything about it, all results are of a girl being pushed off a bridge by a female in Washington. This one seems difficult to locate source
GoreWatcher Intermediate 1,203 points
i know it’s not a very reliable source…..but it was on reddit a while back! under the title crack whore gets pushed off building or something like that
Rorinatoncx 2 points
Yeah, I haven't really found a backstory on this yet, my guess is she probably didn't die otherwise there would likely be a backstory.
F*CK N*GGER'S Extreme Poster 666 points
That's what that NIGGER LOVEING BITCH GET'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+17 votes
May 3, 2022
TheNamedKing 4 points
Damn, shut your ass up school shooter
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Too bad it was a white dude that pushed her. You got nigger on the brain my man; you need help.
ApparentlyAziz Beginner 151 points
Bro sent her to hell
+21 votes
May 4, 2022
Sui Famous 4,215 points
Whores dont fly, just like commies.
+19 votes
May 4, 2022
Kosta kecmanovic Beginner 180 points
Hahahaha dumb whore xD
+20 votes
May 4, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
GiuseZagato Addicted 1,900 points
Hahhahaha godo
+11 votes
Jul 7, 2022
ahahahahaha stupid fucking attractive WHORE getting fucking KILLED for being a stupid dumb fucking white WHORE! I’m glad islam exists so it can oppress and beat women into submission instead of the west giving women power and feminism man it fucking pisses me of that all of these whores get to feel empowered and now they have the choice to date a fucking nigger, get what you deserve you stupid fucking whore! Her death shouldve been more painful fucking dumb cunt
+7 votes
Aug 20, 2022