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+49 votes


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Russian School Shooting epic AMV

Shinzou wo sasageyo!

99,324 views Mar 22, 2022

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Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Awesome lol
+12 votes
Mar 22, 2022
Love the name
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
LukaMagnotta . Advanced 2,539 points
Ur a fag luka. If Im leavin u this comment, why are u usin the same interface to connect to the same network using the same 2 devices as all the other people I left this comment to?  Are u all roommates?
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
yes, my littl luka picked sucha gr8 name!^•^
Serial Killer Omega 23,735 points
Haha thanks
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,909 points
Another psychopath that genetics tosses in for the thinning of the herd ritual, humans need to chill on breeding, especially Africans - or microbiology will need more ammo!
+8 votes
Mar 23, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
But again a video about an evil white dude leads to blacks being mentioned?
markastin78 60 points
You a fukkin idiot. If you ever took a honest listen to yourself I'm sure you'd agree. Fukkin dumbass piece of shitt got the nerve to judge sumbody else
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,909 points
Let me ease your mental trauma, the black African as a cultural species are violently compelled genetically; they should be contained and as their leader Elijah Mohammad espouses the race be separated out from the other races because this. Any predisposition for violence in white biology is defensive in purpose and programming. Anything outside of this is a dysfunctional family genetic defect. Now sit down and mind your manners before you get stepped on. @markastin78
FkDTrump Well-Known 989 points
Fk russia those white niggers
+4 votes
Mar 23, 2022
FuckWhatAmIDoing Addicted 1,921 points
What's his name?
+9 votes
Mar 23, 2022
Vladislav Roslyakov
AllTogetherNow Experienced 267 points
Yes, like in the description, let us devote our hearts into this video.
+9 votes
Mar 23, 2022
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
Cultured, are we?
AllTogetherNow Experienced 267 points
pussifer, stop posting fake shit.
Flirtnwthdisaster1 Beginner 112 points
Is there really someone in here with the username FkDTrump i really hope all of you liberals and socialists get what is coming to you all. You guys are just the most ignorant pieces of shit alive. No matter how much shit you guys fuck up or get wrong it doesn't stop your determination to fuck up our country. You guys already fucked California all the way up now you guys are trying to spread all over the country and continue fucking shit up. I halfway wish another civil war could break out in the US so you all could see how stupid all if you are because how are you gonna defend yourselves when all of you try to get rid of guns everywhere so none of you are armed. You will see how far you make it in war with no gun and a big mouth. Fucking idiots. I don't even understand how a group of people can be so against a guy who isnt even the president anymore yet hes still all any of you van talk about get a fuckin life losers. You should probably focus your attention on the moron you all elected to office thats destroying everything he touches and his cackling Hyena sidekick. Im curious have any of you read the bible assuming any of you can read because you obviously cant fir your own thoughts or opinions you all just follow the same dumb ass narrative but its all good though if you ever decide to attempt to read check out what it says in Matthew chapter 25 verse 41 might make you think twice about your dumb ass left wing bullshit.
+6 votes
Mar 23, 2022
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
L + Tarnished + No Grace + Maidenless + No Runes + No Invitation + Trash Build + Die Obscure.
LMAO This guy thinks politics and religion are real.
Joe and Kamala have said the North Korea of the western hemisphere ruled by Adolf Newsom is their model for the whole country, which means we are completely screwed forever. Don't forget Adolf Newsom is Biden's junkyard dog.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Everything after 0:13 are you supposed to do to race mixers...just sayin'
dont want to see or hear this?
well it is you choosing the death of the white race then, probably before you die ))
+4 votes
Mar 24, 2022
music title?
+6 votes
Mar 28, 2022
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
i'm looking for it too, lmk if you find it
Saul Goodman
t.A.T.u. - Not Gonna Get Us
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
you sure that's it bro? the beat sounds like it but i couldn't find this version
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
found it, it wasn't tatu lol
LukaMagnotta . Advanced 2,539 points
Pussifer Ur a fag luka. If Im leavin u this comment, why are u usin the same interface to connect to the same network using the same 2 devices as all the other people I left this comment to?  Are u all roommates?
+6 votes
May 12, 2022
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Billy, stop this already. Luka is far too rotbrained to even have the mental energy to have multiple accounts. Come on man, you're being ridiculous.
Natural Addict 8,451 points
Another unknown school shooter retard lmao didnt know about em until this vid
+2 votes
May 13, 2022
Eris Boreas Greyrat Overlord 4,783 points
+6 votes
May 13, 2022
diedinjuly Veteran 11,485 points
t.a.T.u. - not gonna get us
+6 votes
May 14, 2022
angelstar Advanced 2,665 points
he lookzso kewl><
+6 votes
May 14, 2022
MOMOFLESH Intermediate 1,210 points
I kno right!!!^__^
According to the anti-2nd amendment lobby (especially those whiny Parkland brats), mass shootings of any sort only occur in the USA and in no other countries of the world. That is a lie. Watch this video if you want proof. The Parkland retards would throw massive hissy fits if this saw this video because it destroys their entire narrative.
+7 votes
May 16, 2022
Ryry Overlord 4,557 points
Tf Ive seen this shit in many other countries
Makes perfect sense.
Ryry Overlord 4,557 points
Doesnt AMV mean anime music video? lmao
+6 votes
May 17, 2022
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
it does
Ryry Overlord 4,557 points
how often you on here
pussifer Intermediate 1,375 points
every few days bro
danielll Famous 3,058 points
fuck that nigga
+3 votes
May 30, 2022
CUIUS Intermediate 1,316 points
Natural selection
+5 votes
Jul 16, 2022
Legz Advanced 2,368 points
He’s literally so hot
+2 votes
Jul 17, 2022
StoreShooter Overlord 6,630 points
dont be russian and this wont happen
+3 votes
Jul 22, 2022
ZiaQueen505WSL03 Extreme Poster 653 points
@rawdawg U said Blacks need 2 chill on breeding yet this is a white boy?? Along with all other WHITE school shooters... Makes no sense.
+2 votes
Sep 4, 2022
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,909 points
Sure it does.  Listen, if you think about in terms of biology and the social interaction between human variants - ie, wapps, spics, niggers, kikes, gooks (w/chink sub variants), ginnies, other sub layers of brown skabs in the middle east desert, and crackers.  Biology will invariably throw in an equalizer - the serial killing nut can.  He has no clue why he gets off on it and can't stop until caught.
@rawdawg. You are just a dumb ass,muttering,dick slurping fool. Shut the fuck up.