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Solid Training Season Today
Wtf is that
14,778 views Apr 7, 2022

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Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
Nah I'm good on that one lmfao
0 votes
Apr 7, 2022
Eris Boreas Greyrat Overlord 4,771 points
What in the world?! Why did she/he even post this on social media?! This is embarrassing.
+2 votes
Apr 7, 2022
Necrogirl Famous 4,413 points
Time again
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
Dirty white scumbag bitch
+2 votes
Apr 7, 2022
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,663 points
Probably fucked something up inside. Ruptured bladder?
+1 vote
Apr 7, 2022
C.HellenWaite Extreme Poster 616 points
This douche will sooner, or never, try and figure out if a steroid diet is worth a hernia operation.
+1 vote
Apr 8, 2022
istanbul Intermediate 1,279 points
+2 votes
Apr 8, 2022
Amogus Cock in 8K HD Experienced 268 points
this is fucking disguisting.
+2 votes
Apr 8, 2022
Fuck everyone, cunts.
If you all don't know the story behind this.  You need to look it up.  It's more disturbing than you might imagine.  That dumb skank has some sort of condition that causes her to piss every time she exerts a lot of energy.  Because we live in a disturbing age when men can put a skirt on and you legally have to treat them as a woman.  Where men can go hangout naked in a girl's locker room despite having a cock, only because he says he's a woman still waiting to cut that thing off.  And where a five year old can decided to become the opposite sex.  Everyone is in a fight to force others to except their strange fucked up ways of living. That nasty whore sues people and gyms for discrimination.  So the gym reluctantly has to legally let the bitch piss on everything.  Prompting all the other people to sue the gym as well for unsanitary conditions and because they claim they shouldn't have to deal with watching her piss and shouldn't have to deal with cleaning human waste off everything before using it.  Pretty soon there will be people shitting in public and jerking off.  They'll claim they have a medical issue and sue you if you don't like it.  It's a fucking mess.
So anyway, she pisses on all the equipment every day.  That happens every time she works out.  There are a ton of videos of that cunt pissing.  How they have to let that happen is beyond me.  And she refuses to wear a diaper because she has in her own words, not mine, too much dignity to be forced into something she doesn't want or like.  Hmm, seems a bit hypocritical but fuck it.  This is why America has so many mass shootings.  I hope they start picking up the pace though.  More people need to be dead already.
Starting at that gym.  America is a disgusting shit hole.  Fuck all of you.
+3 votes
Apr 8, 2022
Amogus Cock in 8K HD Experienced 268 points
lol she should wear a diaper that's actually disgusting also why is she built like Abby from The Last Of Us 2
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,548 points
What is that a man or a woman, cause only females pee when they lift?
–1 vote
Apr 8, 2022
unbothered66 Overlord 4,908 points
If she slipped in her own piss and broke her back that would be funny
0 votes
Apr 23, 2023
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Well-Known 993 points
The joke is on this dumb bitch anyways because lifting like these guys dramatically reduces your life span opposite of what they tell you about prolonging your life and along with the steroids.   Lmfao. Fuck these retards
0 votes
Apr 28, 2024
ledonguyen67 Experienced 291 points
i dont think females should lift like that  not trying to be sexist but i dont think they sbhould do shit like that
0 votes
Jun 6, 2024
Humanidades [DC] Beginner 236 points
os videos são engraçados
0 votes
Jun 7, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 456,673 points