
-Cameraman:Copy that. Copy that fella,fuck...
-Radio: I'll try to do what's possible.
*Cameraman gets to 1st body*
-Cameraman:Fuck... Fuck...
*Cameraman gets to 2nd body*
- Cameraman:Fuck... Bitch,he's dead.
*Cameraman starts running*
- Cameraman:Fuck don't touch them(not sure for that one)
- Respond on background: ... (something unclear)
*Cameraman is running closer to wounded man on the ground*
- Cameraman: Where u got shot?
*Cameraman is passing by that wounded one*
-Cameraman: Where u got shot?
- Wounded one: I got shot
- Cameraman: Leg... Shit
*Cameraman gets to second wounded man*
- Cameraman: Where u got shot?
- Second wounded man: Leg too.
-Background: He got shot in the spine. Need some medicine. We need to evacuate him. He can't feel his legs.
- Cameraman: Who?... Pull him!
*Cameraman runs to the group*
- Cameraman: pull the commander out,bitch!
- Some man in this group: fu-uck
- Cameraman: What's with you? Fuck maaan.
- Some man in this group: Let's evacuate him.
- Cameraman: Pull him till aviation...(friendly covers/can evacuate them or till russian aviation arrived)
- Some men in group: ... (something i'm not clear about)
*Cameraman reaches another body*
- Cameraman: where you got shot damnit?
-Wounded one: *no response*
-Background: get him there(not sure)
*Several explosions*
*Cameraman reaches another body*
- Cameraman: Bro... Fuck man can you make it?
- Crawling man: Can't lift my right leg(tf? right leg?)
- Cameraman: I can see. You got a hole there. ... Can you make it?
- Kneeling(crawling) man: I can't
- Cameraman: Try it. Easy and slow
*Cameraman gets to the body lying near*
- Cameraman: Fuck man,how could it happen?... Fuck me. Fuck...fuck... Fuck!! damnit!!!
*Cameraman is heading somewhere*
- Cameraman: 1,2,3,4 (Counting bodies)... Shit 4 men are 200(code 200 = dead,300 = wounded )
-Cameraman: is there a rifle? Give me a rifle. My rifle got damaged(originally "penetrated by something" shrapnel or bullet).
*Reaches to some man*
- Cameraman: Fella,crawl out of here. They will help you out there... Fucking bitches! Faggots! ... Fellas,they will get you out of here. You just need to reach the india(tf? india? is that a codename or some ukrainian word i don't know).
*Cameraman heavily breathes*